==> I Replaced Details on My Strangeness With Random Words <==
Do you ever think that maybe your comics are a tad bit offensive? Especially to minorities? I mean, how would you feel if you were a minority?
Well, it depends on how you define "minority". If you mean "minority" in strict reference to the statistical mean of the global population...
I'm an eccentric pseudo-niggerific super-clickclack mudman with Mark 5 Negroitus, AFRO, ARSE, a nigz disorder and a below average IQ of 3. I can only steal chicken or bikes. I'm mostly a black fucker-
I meant actual minorities... and semetics.
Oh. I'm a midget. That's sort of like blackface people and jews, right? What do they call that race? Dwarves? Dwemer? Are short people midgets? Are they, like... half-dwarves? Halflings?