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| It's finally here! Freedom! The bloated, coercive, poisionous wreck of Western civilization has crumbled! | |
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| No shit, Sherlock. What clued you in? The flaming Supreme Court Justices? | |
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| Don't you see? This is an opportunity to rebuild! To create a new society not ruined by the corrupt vastness of old! Anarchistic communes, governed by REAL democratic methods, not tainted with the... | |
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| Whatever. I don't think that Foot Locker has been totally gutted yet. | |
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| Hey! Get back here, you granola-sucking wankstick! I saw it first! | |
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| Step off, Pippie Slutstocking, or I'll rip off your pigtails and feed them to you. Papa needs a new pair of Birkenstocks! | |
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