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| Now, this is an easy step, you kids should understand it. Now, when you add 5 plus 2 you will get 7! Oh wait, sorry, that was out of my class for 4th grade, you guys aren't that far yet. | |
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| Hey Phrank, I'm bored in class again. I phound out a way to talk so Mr. Zeeff can't understand. I just use this code I made up. You just switch F with Ph, he'll never phigure it out! Watch this... | |
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| Ok, Fernando. Pop quiz hotshot, whats 1 plus 1? This kids a complete idiot, I seriously doubt he will understand this simple concept. Hahaha! | |
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| You know what Mr. Z, phuck you! You can't phucking make phun of my anymore, you phoolish phag! Can't understand me? It's my new language, phucker. I'm the phucking master. | |
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| Isn't it true phernando phishes his phallanges into his phathers phagina and phanny? Or does he give him a phellatio? I phorget.... Either way, hes a phukking phakket. | |
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| Huh? What did he say? I.. finger fish? | |
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