Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Phucked Up Shet!
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by BigZeeff
Now, this is an easy step, you kids should understand it. Now, when you add 5 plus 2 you will get 7! Oh wait, sorry, that was out of my class for 4th grade, you guys aren't that far yet.
Hey Phrank, I'm bored in class again. I phound out a way to talk so Mr. Zeeff can't understand. I just use this code I made up. You just switch F with Ph, he'll never phigure it out! Watch this...
Ok, Fernando. Pop quiz hotshot, whats 1 plus 1? This kids a complete idiot, I seriously doubt he will understand this simple concept. Hahaha!
You know what Mr. Z, phuck you! You can't phucking make phun of my anymore, you phoolish phag! Can't understand me? It's my new language, phucker. I'm the phucking master.
Isn't it true phernando phishes his phallanges into his phathers phagina and phanny? Or does he give him a phellatio? I phorget.... Either way, hes a phukking phakket.
Huh? What did he say? I.. finger fish?
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