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| Privateer I am so happy you and BiGGeh are welcoming me back, don't worry I won't change anything you all have a great system here | |
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| God I wish BiGGeh's job would staighten so we don't have to invite him back | |
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| OK Biggie I notice u all recently promoted a bunch of LT's, I approve of this one but the other 6 I am gonna demote | |
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| I could have sworn on the phone the other day Privateer said Irvine wouldn't change things | |
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ViruS loses the Best HC it ever had
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| Privateer didn't u tell me Irvine wasn't gonna change anything, he wants to demote 90% of the officers, change all our rules | |
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| Lying cunt what did we expect... CYA | |
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