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| Dude I jsut don't know what was up with us durning our D&D game, we couldn't stay focus on it at all. | |
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| This new lube feels great I think I''ll buy some more with J's money. | |
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| It's probly just because we haven't gotten together for a long time, except for school and we can't jack around there. | |
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| Once I shot an old lady with my nail gun in the park,beacuse she said I reminded her of her son, and i buried her in your back yard. | |
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| Ummmm, Pastey this isn't fucking confessional, I don't need to know bout this shit. | |
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| Well's as long as we're at it, I've been pimping youg boys for 12 years, and steal money from you, I mean Jon for "lube" the last 3 weeks... | |
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