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CC162: Father is of a Bizarre New Order
o/` Everytime I see you falling, I get down on my knees and pray... o/`
-however- we prefer this love triangle three sided.
Yeah, scram. No room for another shaved tater in the vestry.
Blew_Crabs's Comics
03/25/03 - CC178: Dubya's Hegemony Achievement Awards
12/30/02 - CC162: Father is of a Bizarre New Order
04/16/02 - CC114: Silence of the Silence of the Lambs
04/14/02 - I Didn't Think Anyone Outside of TV Was Named 'Baz' Anymore
04/12/02 - The New Edition of the Vatican Square II
04/12/02 - Ziggy Rocks!
04/11/02 - CC113 (Blasphemy): Be Sure to Lube Up B.C... Or Not
04/11/02 - Rip-off of dcomposed Homaging descolada's Pirate Joke
04/11/02 - Family Circus Rocks!
04/09/02 - CC112: Hygienia's Brutality is Assailed From the Correct
04/09/02 - CC112: Hygienia's Brutality is Assailed From the Left
04/08/02 - CC112: Hygienea vs. the Persiflagians: Attack-Reprisal Cycle
04/08/02 - CC112: Hygienea Unleashes the Scents of Porpoise
04/08/02 - CC112: Porpoise Hygienea; Redux Shock Syndrome
04/08/02 - Yee-Haw (ripoff of dcomposed's max ripoff)
04/04/02 - Salty, But Semen Is a Sugar, High in Quarts-Watcher Points
04/03/02 - CC 111: Macy's Juniors Dept. Is Larger Than Our Wal-Mart
04/02/02 - CC 111: Monstrous Messiah Parts the Red One
04/02/02 - CC111: Coming Soon, On Another Tuesday After Vacation
03/31/02 - Parading Down The Avenue in Our Bright Easter Finery
03/31/02 - Delicate Lillies Adorn the Altar
03/30/02 - University of Maryland; They Ain't No Black Eyed Susans
03/29/02 - Tony Hawk's Cadillac to 3 60 Year Olds
03/29/02 - Zen-ophobia: Let's Not Go to That Special Place
03/29/02 - A Good Friday to Piss Off Early; Tomorrow's Saturday
03/29/02 - Running a Projector Is a Mystery Science
03/28/02 - Memory Accounting, Off-Shore in the Caymans
03/28/02 - The Widow Next Door with Henry IX, Henry X, Henry XI...
03/28/02 - No Matter, We've Gone Fission II
03/28/02 - Fuzzy is the Only Upstanding Character
03/28/02 - CC 110 (Rules): Sign-man Sez
03/26/02 - C109 (Last Words): Little Squrrl Will Be Stuffed
03/26/02 - CC109 (Last Words): Mind Blowing Among the Bushes
03/26/02 - CC109 (Last Words): No Sumter Retreat!
03/26/02 - CC109 (Last Words): No Matter, We've Gone Fission
03/26/02 - CC109 (Last Words): Salmon Rush the Trawl
03/26/02 - CC109: Should Wait 8-10 Years For a Wishing Star's Response
03/26/02 - CC 109 (Last Words): Porpoisely Lax in Hygiene
03/26/02 - CC109 (Last Words): Genovese Family Influence in New York
03/26/02 - CC109: Bringin' Inappropriate Shit to a Maxawa Soundstage
03/25/02 - God Save the Dancing Queen (Barre, Barre)
03/25/02 - Trade Secret: Explaining the $30 Color Printer Cartridge
03/25/02 - CC 109: Witnesses Report He Died With a Touch of a Grin
03/24/02 - Evolution of Starboard Opening Weekend, Dewey Beach
03/24/02 - Jump in a Lake. Get a Life. Fly a Kite.
03/24/02 - G. Love and Special Sauce Stick It in a Fridge
03/24/02 - Unforeseen Fallout From the Evil Tag Team Cup Rules II
03/23/02 - $12 Candy Drinks and $5 Screw Top Wine As Social Lubricants
03/23/02 - Krilling Mentors Plankton: Be Shellfish!
03/23/02 - CC108: Nicole Kidman Can Act AND Sing. Good Dancer Too.
03/23/02 - The New Edition of the Vatican Square
03/22/02 - CC108: O Bottle, Where Art Thou?
03/22/02 - Don't Just Stand There; Change Your Smoke Alarm Batteries
03/21/02 - Unforeseen Fallout From the Evil Tag Team Cup Rules
03/21/02 - Watching a Newscast Live in Studio IA, 30 Rockefeller Plaza
03/20/02 - Olympic Stadium Can Not Pay Its Electric Invoice
03/20/02 - "So You Are a Canadian Expatriate in North Carolina, Eh?"
03/20/02 - Watching a Newscast Live in Studio II, Saskatchewan
03/20/02 - Charlotte, NC: Home of BankAmerica, NASCAR and Sweet Tea
03/19/02 - The InUtero Twins Hazard a Guess
03/19/02 - Watching a Newscast Live in Studio, Indiana
03/19/02 - So This None and a Height Guy Walk Into a Black Bar...
03/19/02 - Rosetta Stone & Squirrel Give Some Clue to Understanding II
03/18/02 - CC107: Grunge Rock & Love Give Some Clues to Understanding
03/18/02 - CC 107 (Failed Sitcoms): Dead and Not From New York
03/18/02 - CC 107 (Failed Sitcoms): Dead and Not From New York
03/18/02 - CC 107 (Failed Sitcoms): Dead and Not From New York
03/18/02 - CC107: Grunge Rock & Love Give Some Clues to Understanding
03/18/02 - CC107 (Sitcom): Outside, By the Family Stew
03/17/02 - Alien Anglais Vocabulary Lesson: "CONTINENTAL"
03/17/02 - War Between the States Update, Year 141
03/17/02 - Rosetta Stone and Squirrel Give Some Clue to Understanding
03/15/02 - A Seminal Moment for Col. Harland Sanders, CIA Retired
03/15/02 - From the Self-Paced Buddhism CDROM : Lustration & Immolation
03/15/02 - The Two Thousand Year Evolution of Genus Persiflage
03/14/02 - Why a Vibrator Orgasm Beats an Herbal Essence Shampoo One
03/14/02 - kaufman's One Day Stint as Macy's Holiday Parade Coordinator
03/14/02 - Another Reason to Cross the 181st Street (Washington) Bridge
03/14/02 - To Be Over CC:106
03/14/02 - Painting Patriotism on a Five Platform Parking Garage
03/14/02 - Into the Lens (I Am a Camera. Camera, Camera)
03/14/02 - Not Kabul, Better
03/14/02 - Flying Lessons II
03/14/02 - Flying Lessons
03/13/02 - Personal Epiphany Within Britney Spears' Top
03/13/02 - Life of a Dildo Session
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