Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Bob Rogers is a pseudonym for ### ###### who wishes to remain anonymous so that the preacher can't give him grief for swearing on Strip creator.

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by BobRogers
Bob and Dave exchange words on Emassive Main board while Ivan The Terrible moves ever closer...
Hurricane's coming. Ivan packs winds of 140 MPH and storm surges of more than 20 feet...
You are uncouth and never wear clean sox and always spew bad words... A POX upon you Dave..
Learn to Spell Sirius, you MORON and go there immediately or DIE a horrible death where worms eat your genitals and stuff....
If this isn't freakin' halarious, my name's not Tommy! Hey, wait a second, wasn't I supposed to get a new avatar?
Bob has a one-track mind.
Hurricane's here. You're screwed, Bob
You are banned from Emassive and rebanned from B2G, but not banned from DJ Massala's board and I hope you...blub...blub..
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