Bob and Dave exchange words on Emassive Main board while Ivan The Terrible moves ever closer...
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| Hurricane's coming. Ivan packs winds of 140 MPH and storm surges of more than 20 feet... | |
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| You are uncouth and never wear clean sox and always spew bad words... A POX upon you Dave.. | |
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| Learn to Spell Sirius, you MORON and go there immediately or DIE a horrible death where worms eat your genitals and stuff.... | |
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| If this isn't freakin' halarious, my name's not Tommy! Hey, wait a second, wasn't I supposed to get a new avatar? | |
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Bob has a one-track mind.
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| Hurricane's here. You're screwed, Bob | |
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| You are banned from Emassive and rebanned from B2G, but not banned from DJ Massala's board and I hope you...blub...blub.. | |
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