Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Bob Rogers is a pseudonym for ### ###### who wishes to remain anonymous so that the preacher can't give him grief for swearing on Strip creator.

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by BobRogers
The sun rises on the morning after the Great JDPLVY StripCreator massacre... A voice echoes urgently, but quietly through the streets of Pleasant Valley, NY, followed by another more feminine voice...
Dave. JDPLVY! Wake up, Dave. It's 6AM. Time to get up. There are message boards to be wrecked... Dave.... Oh, crap. Stupid intercom.
Paging Satan. Call for Satan on the Hot-Line. Answer right away.
CRIPES! Who could be calling this time of morning. Fricking tele- marketers! How did they get this number? It's unlisted! HELLO? Speak UP. This connection is really HELLISH!
Hello? Lucifer? This is God. I'm calling from the cell phone. Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?
Oh. God. Right. Um... Dude! You haven't called in a really long time. Wazzup, big guy? What can I do for you? Need somebody tested? That JOB fella was sure a hard case wasn't he?
Actually, I'm calling about JDPLVY!
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