The sun rises on the morning after the Great JDPLVY StripCreator massacre... A voice echoes urgently, but quietly through the streets of Pleasant Valley, NY, followed by another more feminine voice...
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| Dave. JDPLVY! Wake up, Dave. It's 6AM. Time to get up. There are message boards to be wrecked... Dave.... Oh, crap. Stupid intercom. | |
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| Paging Satan. Call for Satan on the Hot-Line. Answer right away. | |
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| CRIPES! Who could be calling this time of morning. Fricking tele- marketers! How did they get this number? It's unlisted! HELLO? Speak UP. This connection is really HELLISH! | |
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| Hello? Lucifer? This is God. I'm calling from the cell phone. Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? | |
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| Oh. God. Right. Um... Dude! You haven't called in a really long time. Wazzup, big guy? What can I do for you? Need somebody tested? That JOB fella was sure a hard case wasn't he? | |
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| Actually, I'm calling about JDPLVY! | |
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