Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Bob Rogers is a pseudonym for ### ###### who wishes to remain anonymous so that the preacher can't give him grief for swearing on Strip creator.

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by BobRogers
Vacation inspires us all.
Going on vacation. Leaving on a jet plane... Dunno when I'll be back again...
Come along JD, you'll miss your flight...
Explain to me again why we have to fly over OHIO to get to HAWAII...
I'm just a Flight Attendent, sir, I don't do geography. Now sit down and buckle your seat belt. We're CRASHING in CLEVELAND!
You can't kill me off Bob. My NAME is on the title of the CARTOON for CRYING OUT LOUD! Plane crashes in CLEVELAND? Lame, Bro, really LAME!
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