Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Bob Rogers is a pseudonym for ### ###### who wishes to remain anonymous so that the preacher can't give him grief for swearing on Strip creator.

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by BobRogers
World opinion weighs in on the disaster...
Most of the casualties of the tsunami were Muslim. BobRogers is a prick.
Many of those who died were asian children just like me. BobRogers is a toadsucking MORON!
American tourists in Thailand and Sri Lanka all agree that BobRogers is an insensitive redneck, probably from Ohio!
The tsunami was a huge disaster. Ohhh, the RUST. BobRogers should be assraped!
Speaking for scuba divers who were miraculously saved from the tsunami by being under water when it hit, BobRogers should have his AIR HOSE cut.
BobRogers is a tasteless sociopath with delusions of being a strip creator. I need a new apprentice. I will call him "slave boy."
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