World opinion weighs in on the disaster...
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| Most of the casualties of the tsunami were Muslim. BobRogers is a prick. | |
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| Many of those who died were asian children just like me. BobRogers is a toadsucking MORON! | |
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| American tourists in Thailand and Sri Lanka all agree that BobRogers is an insensitive redneck, probably from Ohio! | |
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| The tsunami was a huge disaster. Ohhh, the RUST. BobRogers should be assraped! | |
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| Speaking for scuba divers who were miraculously saved from the tsunami by being under water when it hit, BobRogers should have his AIR HOSE cut. | |
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| BobRogers is a tasteless sociopath with delusions of being a strip creator. I need a new apprentice. I will call him "slave boy." | |
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