The Message Board Dave Double-speak Marathon and pie-eating contest begins. Dave - panel left, translation - panel right.
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| I quit. From this moment forward I will not put any more entries in my blog. You can't steal what you can't see. | |
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| Translation: I have run out of things to say to people whose name I don't know and on topics about which I know nothing. | |
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| I will be calling the cops on my stalker, whose name I don't know, whose whereabouts I have no clue about and to whom I have never spoken | |
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| Translation: I feel harassed, but I do not think that all the mean and dirty low-down things I do to others harasses anyone else. | |
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Opinion is a subjective thing.
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| The whole world is wrong and I am right. | |
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| Translation: I am too stupid to know I am an idiot. | |
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