Bob proclaims his innocence to largely unlistening ears...
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| I just wanted to let everybody know that I did not authorize that girl to wiretap Dave's phone. | |
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| You have to admit though, that was some funny audio, way funnier than him threatening you or mooing like a cow | |
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| OK. I admit it was halarious when I (allegedly) listened to it. But the convo was taped without Dave knowing it or giving permission and I don't think it should be available to the public. | |
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| How is that any different from Dave making AOL convos available when people Instant Message him? He's been doing that for years. | |
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| Yeah, Bob, I'd like to hear the answer to that one myself? | |
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| Jeeze! Youse guys give me more grief than Dave does. All I'm saying is you're on your own on this one. Not that he'll believe it, but I was not consulted before the fact. | |
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