Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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You're not fooling anyone, Phil... we've known for years. You think your secret is so safe, unknowable, but it isn't. It shows in your eyes... Every time we look at you we can see it... the twisted knowledge locked up inside your soul, that haunts you every waking moment. That horrible dark secret you never even dare speak of...

You're a Trekkie, Phil. Admit it!!!

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by Boritom
Are you about ready to go? I want to get to the theater early enough to get a good seat.
Some errors occurred while processing your request. Connection to IMAP server has failed. Your inbox was not polled for its unread count.
What? Come on, hurry up... we're going to be late.
Outlook Express was unable to switch to the newsgroup.
10 print "I smell burning brains"
20 GOTO 10
Sweetheart, are you feeling okay?
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
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