Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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More wicked than a westward witch.
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Did you hear about A-rod? He's a Yankee.
He's going to play third base next to Jeter. They have a starting infield that costs more than most middle level teams now.
Oh, that is it, that is just it.
Must you complain to me constantly? I'm just trying to run the universe here.
Universe comes second, this baseball stuff needs to be fixed.
Broly's Comics
07/27/05 - Drugs are like Trix, they're for Kids
06/22/05 - How are Wu doing?
06/22/05 - Destroy All Comedy
06/22/05 - Seventh Heaven
05/11/05 - Damn Yankees
05/11/05 - Barista Boy
02/03/05 - Season's Beatings
11/25/04 - Observation
06/26/04 - Ad-centric
06/09/04 - Training Daze
06/05/04 - Hail to the Deceased
05/22/04 - Bowling for Backwoods Shotties
05/22/04 - NBA Ya
03/29/04 - Learning To Close
03/18/04 - St. Drink-Alot-Of-Beer Day
03/05/04 - Patty's Day Party
02/23/04 - Blingball
02/23/04 - Rent-A-Person-Who-Cares
02/07/04 - What's Your Favorite Curse Word?
01/28/04 - Just Ribbing Ya
01/28/04 - Fiery Temper
01/26/04 - "Suggestive" Selling
01/22/04 - Customer Service
01/17/04 - Dance Lesson 2
01/17/04 - Dance Lesson
01/17/04 - Hey Nah 3
01/17/04 - Hey Nah 2
01/17/04 - Hey Nah
01/17/04 - Pep Talk
01/15/04 - Presidential De-lection
01/13/04 - Catch The Baby
01/13/04 - McPhilosophy
01/03/04 - New Year's Restitutions 2
01/03/04 - New Year's Restitutions
12/25/03 - Knowledge Is Power
12/25/03 - Joyous Tidings
12/25/03 - Trapped! 4
12/25/03 - Trapped! 3
12/23/03 - Trapped! 2
12/23/03 - Trapped!
12/18/03 - Caliente Pie
12/17/03 - The Iraqi Clause
12/12/03 - McPartay 2
12/10/03 - McPartay
12/09/03 - McWorkin' 4
12/08/03 - McWorkin' 3
12/08/03 - McWorkin' 2
12/05/03 - McWorkin'
12/03/03 - Me Revealed (Sortof) 5
12/03/03 - Me Revealed (Sortof) 3
11/29/03 - Leftovers
11/29/03 - Me Revealed (Sortof) 3
11/29/03 - Me Revealed (Sortof) 2
11/29/03 - Me Revealed (Sortof)
11/28/03 - Scythe-agra
11/28/03 - Turkey Day, Hip Hip Hooray
11/22/03 - In a Comic Strip Far, Far Away
11/14/03 - They Are... The Two
10/24/03 - Hot Romance
10/23/03 - A Round of Whoreball
10/23/03 - Egay
10/22/03 - Beisbol Been Berry Berry Good to Me
10/21/03 - Campainful Contributions
10/11/03 - It's a NoCal/SoCal Thing 3
10/04/03 - The Big Lame
09/24/03 - That's News to Me 4
09/10/03 - It's a NoCal/SoCal Thing 2
08/29/03 - It's a NoCal/SoCal Thing
08/23/03 - That's News To Me 3
08/23/03 - That's News To Me 2
08/23/03 - That's News To Me
08/23/03 - Honey, I Can't Find The Remote
08/22/03 - Makes Your Blood Boil
08/22/03 - Almost Final Destination
08/21/03 - Heart-Felt Attack
08/21/03 - Infectious Fun
08/21/03 - FOOTBALL
08/21/03 - Baby Got Black
08/03/03 - Hooker, Line, and Sinker
07/29/03 - Saddammit
07/28/03 - Pilates of the Caribbean
07/13/03 - A New Hero Is "Born"
07/13/03 - NBA-rrested
07/05/03 - Anniverseries
07/04/03 - Dissed Claimer
07/04/03 - Hot Dogging It
06/16/03 - Keepin' It Clean
06/01/03 - Helluva Band
05/30/03 - Ah, Band Camp
05/30/03 - Back By No Demand Whatsoever
12/29/02 - Season's Reamings
10/31/02 - Halloweeners
10/27/02 - Unanswered Prayers Are Themselves Answers
10/22/02 - I Win
10/22/02 - Arachnophobia
10/18/02 - Mr. T, For Toke
10/09/02 - Emulation Escalation
09/30/02 - Nicked-ita
09/29/02 - Racial Tension
09/29/02 - Loh'dy Be!
09/15/02 - Wakorb Mot
09/12/02 - Chair Matters
09/10/02 - Metal Gear Billy: Distant Cousins Of Liberty 8
09/05/02 - Metal Gear Billy: Distant Cousins Of Liberty 7
08/29/02 - Metal Gear Billy: Distant Cousins Of Liberty 6
08/25/02 - Back In 'Nam
08/11/02 - Metal Gear Billy: Distant Cousins Of Liberty 5
08/09/02 - Planet Of The Decrepit
08/07/02 - Metal Gear Billy: Distant Cousins Of Liberty 4
08/06/02 - Metal Gear Billy: Distant Cousins Of Liberty 3
07/26/02 - PTP'er, Prime Time Poophead
07/24/02 - Metal Gear Billy: Distant Cousins Of Liberty 2
07/19/02 - Metal Gear Billy: Distant Cousins Of Liberty
07/16/02 - Feliz Cumpleanos
07/12/02 - Crank Call
07/12/02 - Is There A Doctor In The House?
07/07/02 - Game On
07/07/02 - Pizza Party
07/01/02 - Educational Television
06/29/02 - Strychly The Facts, Ma'am
06/22/02 - How are Jew doing!
06/14/02 - News Update
06/04/02 - Taxation With Inebriation
05/31/02 - Lottery Mix
05/31/02 - Collec' Dat Wreck
05/28/02 - RPG-spot 3
05/28/02 - RPG-spot 2
05/28/02 - RPG-spot
05/28/02 - Space-Time Rift 16
05/07/02 - Space-Time Rift 15
05/06/02 - (Untitled. Or is it?)
04/29/02 - Space-Time Rift 14
04/23/02 - Space-Time Rift 13
04/20/02 - Space-Time Rift 12
04/12/02 - Space-Time Rift 11
04/10/02 - Space-Time Rift 10
04/08/02 - Space-Time Rift 9
04/06/02 - Space-Time Rift 8
04/01/02 - Space-Time Rift 7
03/31/02 - April Fool's!
03/31/02 - Space-Time Rift 6
03/29/02 - Space-Time Rift 5
03/21/02 - Space-Time Rift 4
03/14/02 - Space-Time Rift 3
03/12/02 - Are You Ready For The Football!
03/09/02 - Space-Time Rift 2
03/09/02 - Space-Time Rift
03/06/02 - Flogging A Dead Horse
03/03/02 - Half Assed Half Baked
03/01/02 - Entrance Wounds 2
02/26/02 - Entrance Wounds
02/24/02 - Olympic Sportsmanship
02/19/02 - Programming Error
02/19/02 - Valentine's
02/19/02 - Historical Significance
02/12/02 - Oral Hygiene
02/09/02 - Birthday Bonanza 2
02/09/02 - Birthday Bonanza
02/05/02 - Long Term Health Precautions
02/04/02 - Hi-Tech Gaming
02/04/02 - Super Bowl Shenanigans 2
02/04/02 - Super Bowl Shenanigans
02/02/02 - Racial Justice
01/31/02 - Advice Well Taken 2
01/27/02 - Advice Well Taken
01/26/02 - An Actor Prepares
01/20/02 - House Rules
01/20/02 - Fan Mail
01/15/02 - Safe Sex
01/15/02 - Political Grace
01/13/02 - Deceptive Government, Unpossible!
01/13/02 - Education
01/10/02 - A Friend In Need
01/10/02 - Priorities
01/10/02 - Conveniance
01/07/02 - Food Ethics
01/05/02 - Snow Day
01/04/02 - Parcheesi
01/03/02 - Alcoholiday 3
01/01/02 - Alcoholiday 2
01/01/02 - Alcoholiday
12/31/01 - Christmas Emergency 6
12/29/01 - Christmas Emergency 5
12/27/01 - Misled Youth
12/27/01 - Christmas Emergency 4
12/27/01 - Christmas Emergency 3
12/24/01 - Christmas Emergency 2
12/24/01 - Christmas Emergency
12/23/01 - Holiday Plans
12/22/01 - Holiday Downsizing
12/18/01 - Caroling
12/18/01 - Keeping Regular
12/17/01 - Family Issues
12/16/01 - Christmas Anticipation
12/16/01 - Pants
12/12/01 - Poor, Poor French
12/08/01 - Ebay 3
12/05/01 - Ebay 2
12/05/01 - Ebay
12/04/01 - Hot Pockets
12/02/01 - Target Demographic
11/30/01 - Christmas Expectations
11/26/01 - Ellipsis Much?
11/21/01 - Happy Thanksgiving
11/19/01 - Catchin' Osama
11/18/01 - Violin Camp
11/17/01 - Harry Potter's Grand Opening
11/14/01 - Respecting Property
11/10/01 - Those Fund-Raising Celebrities
11/07/01 - Halloween! 11
11/05/01 - Halloween! 10
11/03/01 - Halloween! 9
11/02/01 - Halloween! 8
11/02/01 - Halloween! 7
10/31/01 - Halloween! 6
10/31/01 - Halloween! 5
10/30/01 - Halloween! 4
10/30/01 - Halloween! 3
10/29/01 - False Identity
10/29/01 - Halloween! 2
10/28/01 - Halloween!
10/22/01 - New Pet 5
10/18/01 - New Pet 4
10/18/01 - New Pet 3
10/18/01 - New Pet 2
10/18/01 - Manners
10/14/01 - New Pet
10/11/01 - Choices
10/11/01 - Wrestling Fan
10/11/01 - Tax Time
10/09/01 - Teleportation (I Forgot How To Say It In Japanese)
10/06/01 - Meet Bug 3
10/06/01 - Meet Bug 2
10/06/01 - Meet Bug
10/06/01 - Oprah
10/06/01 - Personal Line
10/04/01 - Mountain Vacation
10/04/01 - He Likes His Quiz Shows
10/02/01 - Lexus Owns!
10/02/01 - Age Discovery
09/30/01 - Alfonz Knows Not The Facts Of Life
09/30/01 - Back To School Sale
09/30/01 - Homage To MAD
09/28/01 - Internet Privacy
09/28/01 - Intellectual Discussion
09/26/01 - Governmental Tomfoolery
09/26/01 - Favorite Prez
09/26/01 - Marathon Training (Ode To rudesmurf)
09/26/01 - Phone Etiquette
09/25/01 - Alfonz, Disliker Of Sports
09/25/01 - Home Ec
09/25/01 - Talk Of Japan
09/25/01 - Tetris Hijinx
09/25/01 - Mystery Person 3
09/25/01 - Poor Service
09/25/01 - Rule #1 About Tournament: Don't Talk About Tournament
09/24/01 - The All-Knowing Squirrel
09/24/01 - Familiar Faces
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 27 (Tourney Finale)
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 26 (The Aftermath)
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 25 (Billy & Alfonz Re-unite)
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 24 (Billy's Wish)
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 23 (Their New Home)
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 22
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 21
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 20
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 19 (Victorious Billy!)
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 18 (Billy's Trick)
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 17
09/24/01 - Heavens Tournament 16
09/23/01 - Heavens Tournament 15 (Billy's First Victory)
09/23/01 - Heavens Tournament 14 (Billy's Power)
09/23/01 - Heavens Tournament 13 (Meet Death)
09/23/01 - Heavens Tournament 12 (Billy's Opponent)
09/22/01 - Heavens Tournament 11
09/22/01 - Heavens Tournament 10
09/22/01 - Heavens Tournament 9 (Billy's Mega Charge)
09/22/01 - Heavens Tournament 8 (Billy's Disguise)
09/22/01 - Heavens Tournament 6 (Billy's Mission)
09/22/01 - Heavens Tournament 6 (Billy's Restoration)
09/22/01 - Heavens Tournament 5
09/22/01 - Heavens Tournament 4 (God's Intro)
09/20/01 - Heavens Tournament 3 (Billy's Defeat)
09/20/01 - Heavens Tournament 2
09/20/01 - Heavens Tournament
09/20/01 - Help Line
09/19/01 - The Tournament
09/19/01 - Compassionate Alfonz
09/19/01 - Internet Learnin' 4
09/19/01 - Internet Learnin' 3
09/19/01 - Internet Learnin' 2
09/19/01 - Internet Learnin'
09/19/01 - Religious Discussion
09/19/01 - Job's End
09/19/01 - Got The Job
09/19/01 - Job Interview
09/19/01 - Horse Track
09/19/01 - Pie
09/17/01 - More Mouth Explanation
09/17/01 - Music Time 2
09/17/01 - Music Time
09/17/01 - Literature
09/17/01 - Quiz Show
09/17/01 - America Kicks Ass
09/17/01 - Dedicated To RDJ
09/17/01 - Terror At 2 And A Half Feet
09/17/01 - What's In A Name?
09/17/01 - Billy's Bag O' Jokes
09/17/01 - The Sun Is Hot
09/17/01 - Games
09/17/01 - Shoes
09/17/01 - Billy the Baller
09/17/01 - Mystery Person 2
09/17/01 - Learning to Juggle
09/17/01 - TV Time
09/17/01 - Womple Pimping
09/17/01 - Pog Fun
09/17/01 - Mabel? We May Never Know
09/17/01 - Billy's Temptation
09/17/01 - Meet Satan
09/17/01 - Touchy Alfonz
09/17/01 - Iowa
09/17/01 - Apology
09/17/01 - Feelin' Lazy
09/17/01 - Billy's Return
09/17/01 - Tasty Goat
09/17/01 - Fire, Pretty
09/17/01 - Haiku 2
09/17/01 - Billy's Problem
09/17/01 - Billy & Alfonz Return
09/17/01 - Adventure & Intrigue!
09/17/01 - Wit, Yummy
09/17/01 - Being Watched...
09/17/01 - Drugs Are Bad.
09/17/01 - Mystery Person
09/17/01 - Snafu
09/17/01 - Psychiatrist Games
09/17/01 - Quality Television
09/17/01 - Broly's Boulevard
09/17/01 - Of Urine & Hobos
09/17/01 - Hmm, Name...
09/17/01 - I Actually Respect The WNBA
09/17/01 - Uh, Alfonz?
09/17/01 - Cover Your Ears
09/17/01 - Your Mom!
09/17/01 - I Guarantee!
09/17/01 - Wassuuuup!
09/17/01 - Pipe Dream
09/17/01 - Innovation Abounds!
09/16/01 - Billy's Background
09/16/01 - Hungry Hungry Alfonz.
09/16/01 - Realization
09/16/01 - Alfonz' Look
09/16/01 - Doggy
09/16/01 - Haiku Time!
09/16/01 - Outfit Change
09/16/01 - Afterlife
09/16/01 - Horny Li'l Cannibal
09/16/01 - Talent part Deux
09/16/01 - Bored Billy
09/16/01 - Alfonz!
09/16/01 - Meet... ?
09/16/01 - Billy Displeased
09/16/01 - A (co-)star is born
09/16/01 - Billy longs
09/16/01 - ghetto fabulous
09/16/01 - Testing
09/16/01 - Talent
09/16/01 - Meet Little Billy
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