Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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A brief lesson in surrealism.
Good surrealism.
Fetch the stick, boy!
Bad surrealism.
I flip pancakes on the car!
Look, a velvet moon!
Ugly surrealism.
Honestly, it's about terrorism, not oil! What was that? Osama who?
Buffylavalamp's Comics
08/18/14 - A treatise on writer's block...
10/24/13 - Meanwhile, I looked at the archives...
09/26/13 - Loosely losing...
09/25/13 - Once again I plagarize today's Garfield...
09/25/13 - Meanwhile (x3)...
09/24/13 - Twerk it, baby!
09/24/13 - Meanwhile...
11/09/08 - Hello again, Stripcreator
05/16/06 - The Secret Origin of... AMAZON WOMAN!
02/25/06 - The Secret Origin of... SENATOR BLAZE!
04/15/05 - The Secret Origin of... DOOMFAIRY!
04/14/05 - The Secret Origin of... CAPTAIN PENNYPANTS!
04/11/05 - Super Justice Squad! Part 4: JUSTICE!
04/10/05 - Super Justice Squad! Part 3: With a Vengeance!
04/09/05 - Super Justice Squad! Part 2: Super Justice Squad
11/14/04 - Meh.
11/12/04 - 10 Days Later...
10/23/04 - Meanwhile, we revisit an old storyline...
10/02/04 - Survivist: Greenland
08/21/04 - Survivist: The Mohave
08/15/04 - Philosophizin'!
08/15/04 - Philosophizin'!
04/17/04 - Meanwhile, the characters get demanding...
03/01/04 - Meanwhile, the fallout over the Oscars continues...
02/29/04 - Meanwhile, while watching the Oscars travesty...
02/06/04 - Meanwhile, current event-wise...
02/02/04 - Meanwhile, November is mere months away...
01/31/04 - Huh?
11/15/03 - Meanwhile, comedy takes a holiday...
11/07/03 - Meanwhile, film at 11...
11/06/03 - Meanwhile, far away from the quagmire...
11/03/03 - A few days later...
09/03/03 - This comic is under quarantine...
08/31/03 - Maybe I should get some Nyquil...
08/30/03 - Meanwhile, I'm under the weather...
08/29/03 - M-e-a-n-w-h-i-l-e...
08/28/03 - Meanwhile, a slapdash affair...
08/27/03 - Meanwhile...
08/09/03 - Meanwhile, the equal height is a trick of perspective...
08/07/03 - Meanwhile, a seafaring tale for your edification...
08/06/03 - Meanwhile, sapphic tensions arise...
08/05/03 - Meanwhile, I'm bullish on the markets...
08/04/03 - Meanwhile, no bull...
07/31/03 - Meanwhile...
07/01/03 - Meanwhile, not funny but new and politcally motivated...
05/03/03 - Later still...
04/20/03 - Later...
03/21/03 - Corporate whoring to placate Donald Rumsfeld...
03/20/03 - Sometimes you just don't feel witty.
03/18/03 - Meanwhile, running it into the ground...
03/14/03 - Meanwhile-ish...
03/11/03 - Meanwhile, Family Circus...
03/10/03 - Super Justice Squad!
03/09/03 - Meanwhile...
03/07/03 - We respond to our reader mail!
03/04/03 - Meanwhile, what we call a "chance encounter"...
03/02/03 - Moo II: The Wrath of Mooooo...
02/28/03 - Meanwhile, CC173...
02/26/03 - Captain Pennypants: Defender of Justice
02/25/03 - Meanwhile, a theme song...
02/24/03 - Meanwhile, a chance encounter...
02/23/03 - Meanwhile, it's time for a little nightclubbing...
02/22/03 - Meanwhile, some biting political satire...
02/21/03 - Moooooooooooo...
02/20/03 - Meanwhile, I lose it...
02/18/03 - CC171: If wishes were horses...
02/17/03 - Safe sex?
02/16/03 - Meanwhile, simutaneously hip AND dated...
02/15/03 - Meanwhile, I've run out of ideas...
02/14/03 - CC170: I've been sick, so you get what you get...
02/10/03 - Beware his wrath!
02/10/03 - Will it never end?
02/09/03 - The question we've all been pondering...
02/08/03 - Don't ask me what I think of so-called "nice" guys...
02/07/03 - Meanwhile... I mean, later yet...
02/06/03 - Later still...
02/04/03 - Later that day...
02/03/03 - Meanwhile, a new development occurs...
02/03/03 - When will they learn?
02/02/03 - When robots are programmed to be jerks...
02/01/03 - In Memoriam.
02/01/03 - The rematch...
01/31/03 - Meanwhile...
01/30/03 - Meanwhile, a competition brews...
01/28/03 - Meanwhile, because it amuses me...
01/27/03 - An absurdist meanwhile...
01/26/03 - Meanwhile, because I can...
01/25/03 - Meanwhile...
01/24/03 - Meanwhile...
01/23/03 - CC166 - The Comedy Club Only Club
01/23/03 - Meanwhile, while surfing Wil Wheaton Dot Net...
01/22/03 - CC166 - BOYZ - Chapter 4: The twist ending!
01/22/03 - CC166 - BOYZ - Chapter 3: The interrogation...
01/22/03 - CC166 - BOYZ - Chapter 2: The interview...
01/22/03 - CC166 - BOYZ - Chapter 1: The introduction...
01/21/03 - CC166 - Press conference...
01/21/03 - A brief lesson in surrealism.
01/20/03 - What three kinds of keys can't open a lock?
01/19/03 - The Job Interview!
01/18/03 - It's all about the profit margins at UniGlobalCorp...
01/17/03 - Corporate whoring for a brighter future!
01/15/03 - What Shirley Maclaine DOESN'T tell you!
01/14/03 - The Continuing Adventures of Michael Jackson - Boy Genius
01/12/03 - Meanwhile...
01/12/03 - Meanwhile...
01/11/03 - CC 164 - Give a hoot!
01/10/03 - Corporate whoring for a better tomorrow...
01/09/03 - Meanwhile...
01/08/03 - Later that night...
01/08/03 - Meanwhile...
01/07/03 - Meanwhile, back in the Good Ol' Days...
01/07/03 - Meanwhile, an apology...
01/06/03 - Meanwhile...
01/06/03 - The Adventures of Michael Jackson - Boy Genius
01/05/03 - It's the pits, baby...
01/05/03 - Meanwhile...
01/04/03 - Meanwhile...
01/04/03 - Meanwhile...
01/03/03 - Meanwhile...
01/03/03 - Meanwhile...
01/03/03 - A strip crying out for a title!
01/02/03 - Eventually
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