There's nothing more exciting than the first promotion from Anoubis after round start. Now we'll finally see wich NoSlings made the cut.
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| One week from today we'll decide on the first people to be put on trial for promotion from Anoubis | |
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| Excited NoSlings: Oh goodie! We're finally gonna make it out of this hole. Just one week and we'll be cruising with the big guys. | |
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Every NoSling prepares himself in his own special way
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| Random NoSling: I know I'm gonna be super active the coming week. Gonna chat every night untill way past my bed time. How do you think they'll pick out the best ones? | |
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| Another NoSling: Well, they're one of the best alliances this round, so I bet it's in some fancy way. Probably bots monitoring our activity and checking how much we talk when we're online! | |
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Why not just take the guy with most matching socks?
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| Hathor: So Archi. How ARE we gonna decide who will make it and not? I mean there are so many things we should look at, so much work we must prepare... | |
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| I'll start by taking some days of, and when I come back I'll simply pick out those with the coolest names from a list. Cool names means cool people. | |
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