Biggie is making a well forumlated proposition to Irvine
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| If you don't pull your finger out of your ass and promotes a new HC I'll twat your planet you skunk! | |
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| I'll bash your head in with my keyboard if you don't stop yelling to your God. Remember that I created your mama! | |
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The two HCs continue their reasonable arguments and agrees on a compromise of some sort
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| If you don't stop talking about my mama I'll step down as an HC and prove to everyone what a pile of shit you are | |
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| You're asking for it you dipshit, I'm gonna delete your mother******* account from all of Virus for this | |
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Biggie goes to AD to explain the situation
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| Biggie on AD:... and so I said, "Viper, will you please hire another HC?" but NOOOOO, Viper HAD to delete my account that little... | |
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