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| Hi there. We at Captain Satellite Productions, in our ongoing quest to help our readers "get it", would like to interrupt this narrative to bring you vital information on... | |
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| ...Naomi Morinaga, who will be played by me, threereasons-asiangirl1, for the duration of this joke. *Tee hee* | |
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| Naomi Morinaga (born March 12, 1964) is a Japanese actress who first rose to fame playing the role of the sidekick "Annie" in the Japanese superhero series SHAIDER (1984). | |
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| She has played numerous roles in both film and television since that time. She is a talented stuntwoman and capable actress and she also hasn't been shy about taking her clothes off. | |
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| A cool site about her can be found at http:// www.geocities. co.jp/ Hollywood-Theater/ 4413/index.html. Sorry, it's in Japanese only. | |
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| If you use a search engine, I'm sure you can find numerous nude pictures of her, too...you pervert. | |
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