Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm now 20, and no longer work at the cookie store. However, I still have many stories to tell from there, and so there will probably be intermission comics regarding those tales of ages past. Other subjects will be touched upon as I feel like it, in whatever manner I feel like writing about them, so if you're offended by my comics, please remember that you do have a "back" button, and don't flame.
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by ChalyGryffon
Early One Morning
Eh... can I help you today?
Yes. I would like a half dozen sugar cookies, for I am a Musical Theatre student prodigy.
While you serve me, keep this in mind: All actors must understand the reasons behind their actions. The subtext in their songs, one of which I feel coming on soon!
So now I must think, "What is my motivation? What inspires me to support Capitalist America? Why, O vicious, vengeful God, must I eat these cookies? WHY!?"
Because if you don't take them and leave my line of sight right now, I will personally give you a colonoscopy with these serving tongs.
Point taken.
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