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| Damn I hate this B*t**....Ordering like I have a bottomless tab!! & I hope she order the guilt-less chicken...lazy ass | |
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| Lame ass mutha f@*%*.... Cheap ass....what do U work 4? | |
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Text messaging at the table.......boodaboo...boodaboo...beep..beep
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| @Sasha Fierce- Girl tell me why he got me ordering house wine @Sasha Fierce - Girl where U eating? @Sasha Fierce- Girl order enough for me too... | |
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| @Longhairdontcare - Girl are u seeerious? U better elimadate @Longhairdontcare- Oh girl I'm at a steakhouse... @Longhairdontcare- Girl I got U!! I ain't paying! | |
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She still texting at the table....boodaboo..beep ..hits up Tyrone
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| & who she texting? I hope they text her a coupon code....sh*% | |
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| @Sasha Fierce- Tyrone u taking me out tomorrow? @NFLrookie22- U know I got u... .....NFLrookie22 thinking: "Damn....steaks tonite & 2morrow. ..maybe chili's tomorrow" | |
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