Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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You may have taught me everything I know ... But you didn't teach me everything you know...
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So I said to him, I said...
"That's not a rhino! That's my shlong!"
Hey, why are you in your underwear?
...It's time to wake up, dude.
CheerUpEmoKid's Comics
03/28/07 - Pete and Jay: Jay's new friend
03/28/07 - Pete and Jay: Relationship on the Rocks 2
03/28/07 - Pete and Jay: True Events
03/28/07 - Pete and Jay: In Bed
03/25/07 - Pete and Jay: Did you hear?
03/25/07 - Pete and Jay: Ordering In
03/25/07 - Pete and Jay: Jay's Gaming Experience
03/25/07 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
03/24/07 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
03/24/07 - Pete and Jay Return: Relationship on the Rocks
07/15/06 - Won't Somebody PLEASE Think of the Children!?
07/15/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete Can't Stop Playing The Field
07/15/06 - Yummy
07/15/06 - Plastic Surgery: FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY!
07/09/06 - Message From God
07/09/06 - Pete n Jay: Concert
07/09/06 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
07/08/06 - CC 326: Pete n Jay: Media Studies
06/30/06 - Pete n Jay: Eating Out
06/30/06 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
06/30/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete plays the field again
06/30/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete plays the field again
06/30/06 - Happy 100th Comic to C.U.E.K
06/30/06 - Pete n Jay: Jay's 'first time'
06/30/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete plays the field 2
06/30/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete plays the field
06/30/06 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
06/30/06 - Oldy But Goody
06/30/06 - Wait, huh?
06/30/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete's New Girlfriend
06/30/06 - Pete n Jay: I.T
06/30/06 - Music At All Ocassions
06/29/06 - Pete n Jay: Dating 3
06/28/06 - Pete n Jay: Jay's New Friend
06/27/06 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
06/27/06 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
06/27/06 - Pete n Jay: Dating 2
06/27/06 - ?!
06/25/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete Gives His Best Advice 3
06/24/06 - Zap!
06/24/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete Gives His Best Advice 2
06/24/06 - Pete n Jay: Pete Gives His Best Advice
06/24/06 - Men and their Sports
06/24/06 - Men and their Sports
06/24/06 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
06/24/06 - Online Weight Loss
06/24/06 - Pete n Jay: Dating
06/24/06 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
06/24/06 - C.U.E.K: New Management Visit
06/24/06 - Pete n Jay: Ouch
06/24/06 - Pete n Jay: Pervert
06/24/06 - Pete n Jay: The Gaming Obsession
06/24/06 - CheerUpEmoKid Tries To Find Teh Funny
06/23/06 - Donkey Whacking
06/23/06 - Sales
06/23/06 - Family Secrets
06/23/06 - Answering Machine
06/23/06 - Answering Machine
06/23/06 - Answering Machine
06/23/06 - Answering Machine
06/23/06 - Answering Machine
06/23/06 - Answering Machine
06/21/06 - Blonday.
06/12/06 - Breakup.
06/12/06 - Haunted Hill.
06/12/06 - Gossip.
06/10/06 - 666 Million Years A.D
06/10/06 - A Reason Why We Need The Grim Reaper.
06/10/06 - Discrimination In A Nutshell.
06/10/06 - Case Closed.
06/10/06 - Dumb Blonde
06/10/06 - The End Of The Earth.
06/10/06 - Amish Paradise.
06/09/06 - C.U.E.K News: The End?
06/09/06 - C.U.E.K: Sunday Morning
06/09/06 - C.U.E.K News: Saturday Morning
06/09/06 - C.U.E.K News
06/09/06 - Martial Arts.
06/09/06 - A Day In The Life of CheerUpEmoKid
06/09/06 - BoredomExcelerates.
06/09/06 - Born Again.
06/09/06 - ObeyTheLaw.
06/09/06 - Driving.
06/09/06 - Computer Genious
06/09/06 - It was in the Bible.
06/08/06 - It Was A Technological Mishap.
06/08/06 - OhChristmasTree.
06/08/06 - He's my hero...
06/08/06 - DreamsAreFun.
06/08/06 - OHYUMOleek.
06/08/06 - Did you just call me macho? *gaspno*
06/07/06 - GARHHGAJDSK!!!one!!!oneone111!
06/07/06 - GooeyGooeyGumDrops.
03/04/06 - Fast Food
02/13/06 - kouijrthb.jty
12/13/05 - My mate Dominic did this - he's a genius lol
12/11/05 - Let's Tweek It A 'Lil
12/10/05 - You think the police force is bad? What about the 'victims'?
12/10/05 - Those Cartoonists Screw Up Again
12/10/05 - The Mind Is A Terrible Thing 3
12/10/05 - **What Our Police Force Has Become**
12/10/05 - The Mind Is A Terrible Thing 2
12/10/05 - The anti-christ be-ith The Murderer
12/10/05 - Cartoons Do The Shilliest Things
12/10/05 - Mailman Mark Meet's Pig-ith
12/10/05 - Let's All Vomit
12/10/05 - *GASP* Mailman Mark get's his own back!
12/10/05 - Eastor Bunny Impersonater Annoys The Mailman Once More
12/10/05 - The Eastor Bunny Impersonater Is Loosing His Touch...
12/10/05 - Robots Get Horny Too, Ya knooooow
12/10/05 - The Telephone of EEEEEVIIIILLL *Ka-blarg*
12/10/05 - The Conviction
12/10/05 - The Murderer and The Monkey
12/10/05 - The NeverEnding Thingy Thing of Thing-ness
12/07/05 - School Sucks - Let's Kill Stuff
12/06/05 - Batty McBat
12/06/05 - Halloween VS Christmas
12/06/05 - The Easter Bunny Impersonater Strikes Back!
12/06/05 - I Like Easter
12/06/05 - The mind is a terrible thing
12/06/05 - Keeping Yourself Amused Is Amuse-ful
11/25/05 - What am I missing?
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