Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Elephants Never... Erm...
Are you aware what day it is today?
You know, Emily, humans have a saying about us
Save it, Bill
But don't you want to know what they say?
You've forgotten our anniversary again, haven't you?
Chi_The_Cynic's Comics
04/03/24 - Life In The Office - Ep. 66 "Decline"
03/11/24 - Life In The Office - Ep. 65 "Out With The New"
03/08/24 - Life In The Office - Ep. 64 "Vicious Cycle"
10/03/12 - Life In The Office - Ep. 63 "Checked Out"
10/03/12 - Life In The Office - Ep. 62 "Two Legs Good"
06/01/10 - iFad
01/10/08 - Life In The Office - Ep. 61 "In Safe Hands"
01/09/08 - Life In The Office - Ep. 60 "Boss-Speak (1)"
04/25/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 59 "Know Thy Client"
01/15/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 58 "Project Countdown (4)"
01/15/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 57 "Project Countdown (3)"
01/15/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 56 "Project Countdown (2)"
01/15/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 55 "Project Countdown (1)"
11/22/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 54 "The Haves and the Have Nots"
10/29/05 - The Davis Campaign
10/29/05 - Baptist Guidebook For The Born Again (3)
10/29/05 - Baptist Guidebook For The Born Again (2)
10/29/05 - Baptist Guidebook For The Born Again (1)
10/27/05 - The Old Ones Are The Best
10/13/05 - Fresh News From The UK
09/21/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 53 "Takeover"
09/18/05 - A Spammer In The Works - 8: Valhalla
09/17/05 - A Spammer In The Works - 7: Turing Test
09/15/05 - Stand Down, Horatio
09/13/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 52 "Call On Me"
09/02/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 51 "Death Of A Salesman"
08/31/05 - Adventures In Prague (2)
08/31/05 - Adventures In Prague
08/25/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 50 "Only What They Want To Hear"
08/18/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 49 "Modal Logic"
08/16/05 - Drowning In Stupidity (2)
08/16/05 - Drowning In Stupidity
07/17/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 48 "Hex, Lies and Backup Tapes"
07/13/05 - How To Spot Who'll Get Fired On "The Apprentice" (5)
07/13/05 - How To Spot Who'll Get Fired On "The Apprentice" (4)
07/13/05 - How To Spot Who'll Get Fired On "The Apprentice" (3)
07/13/05 - How To Spot Who'll Get Fired On "The Apprentice" (2)
07/13/05 - How To Spot Who'll Get Fired On "The Apprentice"
07/06/05 - Spirit of the Olympics
05/29/05 - D.I.Y.
05/27/05 - Occupational Hazard
05/27/05 - This Is Not The Script You're Looking For
04/30/05 - The Lamentable Truth
04/27/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 47 "Managerial Generosity"
04/27/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 46 "Backward Planning"
04/23/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 45 "Budget"
04/23/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 44 "Training Day"
03/25/05 - Happy Easter
03/25/05 - The Protest Finally Pays Off
02/26/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 43 "The Salesman Mentality"
02/14/05 - Happy Valentine's Day, Folks
02/04/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 42 "The Triangular Trade-Off"
01/21/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 41 "Incentive Scheming"
01/18/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 40 "SQHell"
01/17/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 39 "Show and Tell"
12/06/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 38 "Bloo Toof"
11/25/04 - The TBC Interview
11/17/04 - 100% Weird Phone Conversation, Verbatim (2)
11/17/04 - 100% Weird Phone Conversation, Verbatim (1)
11/10/04 - The Citigroup Interview
11/10/04 - The Accenture Interview
10/14/04 - Priorities
10/11/04 - Eff Club Seven
10/10/04 - Fudging It Since '97 - American Dreams
10/10/04 - Fudging It Since '97 - Democratic Dictatorship
10/08/04 - Fudging It Since '97 - Old Labour, New Danger
10/08/04 - Fudging It Since '97 - Gentlemen, Light Your Cigarettes
10/08/04 - Fudging It Since '97 - Deforming The Constitution
10/06/04 - Lei-ing It On Thick
10/03/04 - We Are Sorry To Announce That We've Run Out Of Good Excuses
09/30/04 - Heart Treatment
09/29/04 - A Nightmare In Beijing: Cosy
09/29/04 - A Nightmare In Beijing: Arrival
09/02/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 37 "The Downside of Air Con"
09/01/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 36 "Pride"
08/24/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: The Catch-All Condolence
08/24/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: The Feigned Affirmation
08/22/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: The Self-Answered Question
08/22/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: Beer
08/22/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: The Rain
08/21/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: The Silent Complaint
08/21/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: The Unthinking Tip
08/21/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: The Extraneous Apology
08/21/04 - A Guide To British Etiquette: Do you mind if...?
08/19/04 - Brits At The Olympics
08/17/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 35 "Sinful Documents"
08/16/04 - The Law Of Public Transport
08/11/04 - T & A
08/10/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 34 "Choad's Law"
08/10/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 33 "Tea Break"
08/09/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 32 "Miss Information"
08/05/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 31 "New Colleague Learns Fast"
08/04/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 30 "Word Up"
07/25/04 - This Happens Every Time I House Sit
07/24/04 - Oh, The Irony...
07/21/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 29 "Colleagues"
07/21/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 28 "Fiscal Ignorance"
07/21/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 27 "How Old Are We?"
07/21/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 26 "Every Which Way"
07/20/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 25 "Print Server"
07/15/04 - o2 Are Morons (4)
07/15/04 - o2 Are Morons (3)
07/14/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 24 "Caller ID"
07/13/04 - Gameshow Contestants Are Dumbing Down
07/12/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 23 "Modal Auxiliaries"
07/12/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 22 "First Day Back"
07/01/04 - The Quest For Employment (6)
06/29/04 - The Quest For Employment (5)
06/29/04 - The Quest For Employment (4)
06/29/04 - The Quest For Employment (3)
06/29/04 - The Quest For Employment (2)
06/29/04 - The Quest For Employment (1)
05/28/04 - Your Degree Isn't Impressing Anyone
05/26/04 - Young Man...
05/26/04 - The Irony Of University Librarians
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon - Fin
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (12)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (11)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (10)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (9)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (8)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (7)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (6)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (5)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (4)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (3)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (2)
05/22/04 - The Quest For The Necronomicon (1)
05/22/04 - Chi's Musings (6)
05/17/04 - Careful Who You Confide In
05/14/04 - Philosophy Made Easy: Deism
05/14/04 - Boobdar
05/13/04 - Under The Influence
05/13/04 - Absinth, The Great Leveller
05/08/04 - Chi's Musings (5)
04/26/04 - Chi's Musings (4)
04/20/04 - Because Everyone's A Cynic: Moths
04/18/04 - Because Everyone's A Cynic: Sunday Opening Hours
04/11/04 - Why I Hate MSN Messenger (8)
04/11/04 - Why I Hate MSN Messenger (7)
04/11/04 - Why I Hate MSN Messenger (6)
04/11/04 - Why I Hate MSN Messenger (5)
04/11/04 - Why I Hate MSN Messenger (4)
04/11/04 - Why I Hate MSN Messenger (3)
04/11/04 - Why I Hate MSN Messenger (2)
04/11/04 - Why I Hate MSN Messenger (1)
04/10/04 - Paid For By Republicans For Bush-Cheney 2004
04/10/04 - "Special Needs"
04/10/04 - "Lost"
04/10/04 - "Gormless"
04/06/04 - Because Everyone's A Cynic: Jehovah's Witnesses
03/30/04 - Because Everyone's A Cynic: Loyalty Cards
03/25/04 - AHRB: The Dead Line (4)
03/25/04 - AHRB: The Dead Line (3)
03/25/04 - AHRB: The Dead Line (2)
03/25/04 - AHRB: The Dead Line (1)
03/22/04 - If the age of consent was strictly enforced...
03/22/04 - Because Everyone's A Cynic: The American Constitution
03/22/04 - Because Everyone's A Cynic: Army Recruits
03/22/04 - Because Everyone's A Cynic: Low Fat Food
03/22/04 - Because Everyone's A Cynic: Recorded Delivery
03/22/04 - o2 Are Morons (2)
03/22/04 - o2 Are Morons (1)
03/21/04 - Why You Should Turn Off Your Walkman When Boarding A Train
03/16/04 - Chi's Musings (3)
03/03/04 - Student Apathy
02/23/04 - Chi's Musings (2)
02/23/04 - Chi's Musings (1)
02/02/04 - Railway Privatisation (3)
02/02/04 - Railway Privatisation (2)
02/02/04 - Railway Privatisation (1)
01/07/04 - Why I Hate Computer Chess
01/06/04 - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
01/06/04 - Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
01/06/04 - You Know She Must've Been Thinking Along These Lines...
01/05/04 - Why I Hate Animal Rights Protesters
12/23/03 - What Christmas Means To... Yuppie Intellectuals
12/22/03 - What Christmas Means To... Old Men With Beards
12/22/03 - What Christmas Means To... Croydon Dwellers
12/13/03 - How Women's Clothing Boutiques Work
12/13/03 - I Am Just A Poor Boy, Though My Story's Seldom Told...
12/03/03 - CC 223: n00btopia (4)
12/03/03 - CC 223: n00btopia (3)
12/03/03 - CC 223: n00btopia (2)
12/03/03 - CC 223: n00btopia (1)
12/01/03 - CC 222: Deuce Rumsfield
12/01/03 - CC XI: Round 4
11/15/03 - CC XI: If Divine Creation Had Been Penned By Eddie Izzard...
11/13/03 - CC 220: The Grapes of Wrath
11/12/03 - CC 220: Of Mice And Men
11/12/03 - CC 220: Daredevil
11/12/03 - CC 220: Pearl Harbour
11/05/03 - CC 219: Divine Comedy
10/28/03 - Comic Cup XI: Never work with children or animals...or clay
10/28/03 - CC217-K: Be Careful What You Pray For
10/24/03 - CC217-O: Job Satisfaction
10/17/03 - FTC 4: Changing Rooms
10/16/03 - CC 216: On The 3rd Day Of Xmas, My True Love Sent To Me...
10/16/03 - Iain Duncan Smith in "Culpability Blues"
10/07/03 - Ronald McAlzheimer's
10/07/03 - CC 214: Any Questions?
10/03/03 - Never Confuse Freedom Fighters With Terrorists
10/03/03 - Philosophy Made Easy: Socratic Irony
09/30/03 - Elephants Never... Erm...
09/30/03 - CC 213: Mortal Kombat vs. All The President's Men
09/29/03 - CC 213: The Gimp Who Stole Boorite's Trousers
09/24/03 - CC 212: British People Care About Politics. Really.
09/23/03 - CC 212: *NarfNarf*
09/22/03 - CC 211: A Space Odyssey For Squirrels
09/08/03 - CC209: Sex Ed
09/02/03 - CC 208: The Wild West
09/02/03 - CC 208: Our Next Stop Will Be London, Circa 1900
09/02/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 21 "Cowboy Psychology"
09/02/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 20: "Priorities"
09/01/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 19: "Desks Are People Too"
09/01/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 18: "Admin Gone Mad"
09/01/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 17: "Why I Hate Heads of Dept."
08/31/03 - How The Movies Might've Been: Freddy vs. Jason
08/27/03 - CC 207: When Jokes Go Bad
08/26/03 - Wintermute Has Far To Go
08/26/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 16: "Executive Decision"
08/25/03 - CC 206: Happy Divorce
08/25/03 - CC 206: Happy Birthday, Son
08/20/03 - Comic Cup X: The Stripcreator Hall Of Fame
08/19/03 - Hartley's First Law
08/16/03 - How The Movies Might've Been: Toy Story
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/15/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 15: "Cowboys..."
08/14/03 - Stripcreator CD Swap, August 2003
08/07/03 - Summer Releases, 2003
08/07/03 - CC 203: What Summer Means To Chi
08/05/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 14: "Sick"
08/05/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 13: "Nightmare"
08/05/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 12: "In One Ear..."
08/03/03 - CC 202: Why The English Will Never Be Satisfied
08/03/03 - CC 202: My Life With Computers
07/29/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 11: "Support"
07/29/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 10: "Time Out"
07/28/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 9: "Grayscale"
07/28/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 8: "Admin Dept."
07/26/03 - CC 200: Happy Gerund Day
07/26/03 - CC 199: Anticipation Of A Hentai Fan
07/23/03 - CC 198: Haiku
07/18/03 - A Spammer In The Works - 6: With Reference To Your Reply
07/18/03 - A Spammer In The Works - 5: The Gates Approach
07/18/03 - A Spammer In The Works - 4: How Dumb Would You Have To Be?
07/14/03 - CC 197: How SC Provides Chi With Job Security
07/14/03 - CC 197: An Explanation For SC Downtime
07/14/03 - CC 197: What Happens During SC Downtime
07/09/03 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 9 - IRQsome
07/09/03 - CC 196: Shakespearean Abridgements
07/08/03 - CC 196: The Fellowship Of The Ring
07/07/03 - CC 195: Burger Surprise (16)
07/06/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 7: "Amelioration"
06/28/03 - Clapham Junction: An Explanation
06/27/03 - 'Tis The Season...
06/26/03 - For Gia
06/25/03 - The Birth Of Windows XP
06/25/03 - The Birth Of The iMac
06/22/03 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 8 - Cyb'rin
06/20/03 - A Spammer In The Works - 3: AOHell
06/20/03 - A Spammer In The Works - 2: Clientele
06/20/03 - A Spammer In The Works - 1: The Thought Process Of A Spammer
06/04/03 - Chi's Modern Philosophy Exam
05/31/03 - CC 190 - Listen To The Lord Your God
05/30/03 - Jobs People Get Just To Have Power: The Librarian
05/30/03 - What To Expect On "Read My Damn Comics"
05/29/03 - Persecution, The American Way
05/26/03 - CC 189 - Great Moments Of History
05/23/03 - Homage to Andy Dougan: Chi's Logic Exam
05/23/03 - CC 188: The First Ever Space Race
05/20/03 - How To Make A Generic Hollywood Horror Flick: Ending
05/20/03 - How To Make A Generic Hollywood Horror Flick: Plot
05/20/03 - How To Make A Generic Hollywood Horror Flick: Ingredients
05/12/03 - CC 186 - X3: A New Recruit (5)
05/12/03 - CC 186 - X3: A New Recruit (4)
05/12/03 - CC 186 - X3: A New Recruit (3)
05/12/03 - CC 186 - X3: A New Recruit (2)
05/12/03 - CC 186 - X3: A New Recruit (1)
05/11/03 - Philosophy Made Easy: Post-Modernism
05/10/03 - Philosophy Made Easy: Modernism
05/10/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 6: "Background Processes"
05/10/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 5: "Let Sleeping Colourschemes Lie"
05/09/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 4: "Attention Span"
05/09/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 3: "I Just Want To Go Home!"
05/09/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 2: "Subservience"
05/09/03 - How The Movies Might've Been: Jackass The Movie
05/08/03 - Asian By Default - 2
05/08/03 - Asian By Default
04/12/03 - How The War Began
07/22/02 - How The Movies Might've Been: The Matrix
07/22/02 - How The Movies Might've Been: Minority Report
07/22/02 - Life In The Office - Ep. 1: "The Boss Is Always Right"
04/10/02 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 7 - Reboot
04/10/02 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 6 - Jim's Deal
04/08/02 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 5 - Fireworks
04/08/02 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 4 - h4xX0r
04/08/02 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 3 - Multitask
04/05/02 - Philosophy Made Easy: Thomist Cosmology
04/05/02 - Philosophy Made Easy: Anselmian Ontology
04/04/02 - Philosophy Made Easy: Cartesian Scepticism
04/03/02 - Philosophy Made Easy: Berkleyan Idealism
04/03/02 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 2 - CTRL+S
04/03/02 - Tales of the Unexpected Blue Screen: Episode 1 - Evolution
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