Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

9 North Road

Political satire about Philip (Phil) Eliopoulos, the lawyer in Chelmsford. While he was Chairman of the Board of Selectmen he helped his father buy and develop 9 North Road, open space next to the fire station.

by Chicken_Corner
In this video clip, Phil is told the town is considering 9 North Rd.
In this video, a plane flies over Phil with a banner that says "honor the preservation restriction".
In this clip, Phil writes "expand existing center fire station into adjacent property" on the chalkboard 50 times.
And here, Phil buys the parcel because he didn't know the town wanted it.
All these videos. Doesn't anyone ever get hit in the nuts?
Worst "Funniest Home Videos" episode ever.

this comic belongs to set
9 North Road

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