Our intrepid hero heads on his quest to appease Mistress Bunny
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| Oh great. Sounds like he has been hitting the Cipmas Eve punch again. | |
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| Hey there Rat. Have you seen any good nesting Rocks today? Mistress Bunny is having those maternal instincts again. | |
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And so our hero continues on his lonely quest!
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| No Yehudah, I don't have any rocks but I do have some marbles and a few loose screws. | |
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| Oh well, guess I didn't expect to find much in the Slums. I think I will check Pandora's Box. Maybe she will have some. | |
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Meanwhile in a hidden Laboratory Tegan and Katya Set their diabolical plan in motion.
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| Sure did, c'mon lets fill up the rest of the rocks and then we can set them out where Yehudah can find them. Mwuhahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! | |
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