Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Chimbai
Our intrepid hero heads on his quest to appease Mistress Bunny
Oh great. Sounds like he has been hitting the Cipmas Eve punch again.
Hey there Rat. Have you seen any good nesting Rocks today? Mistress Bunny is having those maternal instincts again.
And so our hero continues on his lonely quest!
No Yehudah, I don't have any rocks but I do have some marbles and a few loose screws.
Oh well, guess I didn't expect to find much in the Slums. I think I will check Pandora's Box. Maybe she will have some.
Meanwhile in a hidden Laboratory Tegan and Katya Set their diabolical plan in motion.
Did you get the nitro?
Sure did, c'mon lets fill up the rest of the rocks and then we can set them out where Yehudah can find them. Mwuhahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!
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