...one boring summer night, while SiJ and Sickness try to figure out ideas for a comic.
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| Hey Nick...since we're all out of ideas and stuff, how about we think together? 2 heads are better than one... | |
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P.S. Sickness wants to smear pizza on a Mexican midget named Jornaldo's ass.
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| I know...we should both hit our heads on the monitor at the same time | |
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| But then again, if two heads then headbutt, they can hurt each other, can't they? ...oh what the hell! | |
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Sickness then fakes SiJ and sees him hit his head on the monitor through the webcam.
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| Aw bastard...that actually did hurt | |
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| Whoa, look at this Chris...it says "Dear Sickness, can someone call a waiter...because SiJ just served himself"...what's that supposed to mean? | |
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