Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I discovered Penny Arcade about 6 months ago (by accident) and haven't looked back since. I've got allot to give, people. I'm just trying to get it out with the least amount of cursing. Anything less than 40% is a huge improvement over my average conversations. Current top three: 1.Penny Arcade 2.Sinfest 3.Goats I hope you like my current Comics more than I do. I have a tendancy to be overly critical, not that you can tell from my work...go figure. If you have any suggestions drop me a line.
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by ClawShrimp
Hey! How come you got a letter...I want a letter...Can I read that letter?
No! It's personal. You wouldn't understand anyway.
I know what it is! It's a love letter isn't it? Awww aint that the sweetest thing.
Ok, ok. You got me...Wow! You're Mom sure knows allot of ways to say 'soaking wet vagina'.
Who would have thought having dirty sex with your best friends Mom would invoke such violence. Live and learn I guess.
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