Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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The Weekend Warriors- Bringing down an axe on the head of stupidity.
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by ClayMaster94
Six comics in one day?!!! I took a break, so sue me.
It's been a whole lot easier since fuckin Tom left town.
It's been a whole lot happier without his face around
Spin Doctoring Tom.
Nobody upstairs gonna stomp and shout Nobody at the back door gonna throw my laundry out
He hold the shotgun while you do-si-do, He want to be the one man made of Cyrax and Kano
Been a whole lot easier since the dumbass is gone
Little miss, little miss, little miss can't be wrong... oh wait I get it you guys are makin fun of me... well I'm OUTTA HERE!!!
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