Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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The Weekend Warriors- Bringing down an axe on the head of stupidity.
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by ClayMaster94
As requested by Joshua Glick, he has been added, killed off and now a dual Eulogy will be read by both Elliot and Brad.
We've come here to send off our friend Josh into his after life. And though most would try really hard to say nice things about him... lets rip him apart instead!
Josh was the kind of dick who would come up with a "your sister is hot" website and then post the pictures. The kinda guy who found anal sex was the only kind. Felt he had no feelings.
Yes, Josh was a guy who could rip anyones chains. Like the time he considered tying up Karls brother and using him in the Projekt D scavenger hunt. Josh was the guy who enjoyed making little girls cry
Yes, Josh Glick was a real piece of shit... And one of my closest friends. We're gonna miss you asshole.
What he said.
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