The boy stumbles around looking for something interesting......and finds a zombie looking at him odd-like..
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| Lalala...stumbling around looking for something interesting...I'm looking up and seeing the zombie...It's creepy...the way he's looking at me...but not interesting enough. I shall continue.. | |
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He stumbles along and finds a soldier...
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| I'm stumbling along and finding a soldier...Hello...this place is're going to lose....goodbye... | |
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| Uh, don't move or I'll shoot? | |
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He continues stumbling and stumbles onto a spaceship where he meets a sexy penguin alien..
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| I'm still stumbling and I'm meeting a--HOLY SHIT! A SEXY PENGUIN! This is interesting..but I'm tired and hungry and bored with stumbling along. Goodbye sexy penguin alien. I shall miss you. | |
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