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| ...So then after we got back from saving the seals at the North Pole, this nice fella asked me if I wanted to go into space. Seein' as how I'd never been there, I said I would... | |
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| Do you expect me to believe that YOU are Forest Gump? You're waiting for a bus! | |
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| ...and then when we got into space we were abducted by some very nice green men, and they brought us all over and it was a lot of fun seeing space... | |
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| Well young man, you certainly have a good imagination. | |
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| He's a fantastic lover, too! | |
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| ...But the Hive Mother ate Bubba accidentally, which is why I'm here in San Francisco. To fufill his dying wish I built the gay nightclub Bubba's Backdoor. ...Lord I miss that big black cock. | |
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