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Captain Bacon Face vs. The Screaming Crab
I am so embarassed. I moaned during my prostate exam.
Wh....What's going on?
A fortnight later...
And now that you know the full story, you can see why I had to kill him.
Hey, I'm not judging you.
DarkwingDuck's Comics
10/04/08 - Captain Bacon Face molests a narwhal (part 1/164)
10/03/08 - Captain Bacon Face gets political
04/11/07 - Captain Bacon Face discusses his iPod with Prof. Pirate
04/01/07 - Captain Bacon Face and Prof. Pirate reminisce
02/21/07 - Captain Bacon Face and Prof. Pirate discuss ketchup chips
02/21/07 - Captain Bacon Face and Prof. Pirate discuss robots
02/19/07 - Who is more hardcore: Captain Bacon Face or Prof. Pirate?
02/19/07 - Captain Bacon Face and Prof. Pirate discuss robots
12/12/06 - CC341: Captain Bacon Face is waiting
12/09/06 - Captain Bacon Face's serious side
12/08/06 - Captain Bacon Face is the assistant manager at Dairy Queen
12/08/06 - Captain Bacon Face tells an interesting anecdote
12/05/06 - Captain Bacon Face and Prof. Pirate in: Swallow A Turd
11/20/06 - Captain Bacon Face is proud of his bowel movement
11/20/06 - Captain Bacon Face and Prof. Pirate have a frank discussion
11/20/06 - Prof. Pirate supports our troops
11/20/06 - Captain Bacon Face vs. The Screaming Crab
11/20/06 - Captain Bacon Face looks at comic strips (part 1 of 1)
11/19/06 - Edward James Olmos IN SPACE episode one!
08/24/06 - Done and done
08/24/06 - The Bunka Bunka Bird: Friend To All
08/24/06 - The results are in
08/24/06 - The Office Bee is in mortal danger
08/24/06 - Fuck Nuts the snowman is willing to play dirty
08/24/06 - The plot thickens
08/24/06 - It's up to YOU!
08/24/06 - Where am I going with this?
08/24/06 - The secondary cast are quite upset
08/24/06 - Captain Bacon Face trims the fat
08/24/06 - Prof. Pirate helps hurricane survivors
08/24/06 - Don Rickles has a whole new look
08/24/06 - Captain Bacon Face vs. Johnny Law 3
08/20/06 - Captain Bacon Face sings the theme song to The Littlest Hobo
08/19/06 - Captain Bacon Face gets an e-mail from a big fan
08/19/06 - Captain Bacon Face opens up to Fuck Nuts the snowman
08/19/06 - Prof. Pirate is reluctant about purchasing new pants
08/17/06 - Prof. Pirate can be so cruel
08/07/06 - Captain Bacon Face sings an original piece he wrote himself
08/07/06 - Prof. Pirate and Fuck Nuts the snowman
08/07/06 - Classic
08/07/06 - Captain Bacon Face and Prof. Pirate: still sexy at 40
08/07/06 - Captain Bacon Face ponders life yet again (In HD)
06/08/06 - Shitty Pants Jim is revealed to the viewing public
06/08/06 - Captain Bacon Face has an accident
05/28/06 - Captain Bacon Face takes a break
05/28/06 - SOAP OPERA 3
05/28/06 - SOAP OPERA 2
05/28/06 - SOAP OPERA
05/26/06 - Prof. Pirate wants some service
05/26/06 - Prof. Pirate says no to drugs
05/26/06 - Prof. Pirate says no to drugs
05/26/06 - Captain Bacon Face and the illegal transaction?
05/26/06 - Surprise
05/26/06 - Prof. Pirate's new slacks with special guest Cold Play
05/26/06 - The Friends debate
05/26/06 - David Duchovny is coming to town
05/25/06 - Captain Bacon Face is in prison for statutory rape
05/25/06 - Captain Bacon Face is robbed
05/25/06 - Captain Bacon Face vs. Johnny Law 2
05/25/06 - Captain Bacon Face and Prof. Pirate argue
05/25/06 - Prof. Pirate tells the tale of his big adventure
05/25/06 - Captain Bacon Face is having fun on the farm
05/25/06 - Don Rickles and Abe Vigoda have a staring contest
05/25/06 - The Office Bee
05/25/06 - The Odd Couple
05/25/06 - Knock Knock Joke
05/25/06 - Prof. Pirate is sorry
05/25/06 - Prof. Pirate spills the beans
05/25/06 - A ghost is chasing Captain Bacon Face
05/25/06 - Prof. Pirate is not dead
05/25/06 - Captain Bacon Face vs. Johnny Law
05/25/06 - Greg the vampire wins a bowl of gumbo
05/25/06 - Prof. Pirate dies
05/24/06 - Fireman Eugene and the innuendos of mystery
05/24/06 - Captain Bacon Face and life
05/24/06 - Captain Bacon Face and the power of love
05/24/06 - Prof. Pirate and Captain Bacon 1
05/24/06 - Prof. Pirate and Captain Bacon 1
05/24/06 - Prof. Pirate and Captain Bacon: Slappy Burger
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