Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

A Guide to Penis Ownership

A short educational film about the pitfalls of external genitalia.

by DexX
Such horrors are relatively uncommon. However, everday occurences such as ze effect known by some as ze "garden sprinkler" are not painful, but are certainly irritating.
Ze so-named "garden sprinkler", also know as ze "shower attachment" und many ozzer names, occurs vhen ze outlet for ze urine is blocked. Ze blockage may be lint, tissue, dried fluids, or other sings.
Ooh, gotta go for a slash... *zip*
Instead_of_ze_expected_single_stream_of urine, ze penis expels multiple streams. Two streams is ze most common, though four or more haff been reported.
AahhhhhooooOH_SHIT! The fucking floor- damn! My shoes!!! Shit! Ah, fuck, all down the my pants... damn it!!!
*tinkle* *splash* *splatter* *squelch*

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A Guide to Penis Ownership

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