Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Plot Resumes ... sort of.
FINALLY we get back to the point
Just to re-cap, there were a few months where I got completely side-tracked from the 'plot' ...
it's been a while
There was this game I got really into and ... well, you know how it is when you get into a game big time ...
But now we return to the Misadventures of me and my harem of blokes on a trek to get the Holy Hand Grenade or something
Dictator_Kitty's Comics
06/21/05 - GMs can be bastards.
06/21/05 - When is an in joke not an in joke?
06/21/05 - All You Can Eat
06/20/05 - Olish's mind holds little accountability
06/20/05 - Culture clash imminent
06/20/05 - Young Logic
06/20/05 - Monkey, Wherefore Art Thou?
01/02/05 - Plot Resumes ... sort of.
01/01/05 - The trouble with androgeny
01/01/05 - The Disqualified Zing
01/01/05 - Evil ... or stupid.
07/17/04 - When Opposites meet
07/17/04 - Introducing Puppy in all her ... um ... glory?
07/17/04 - There is Plot afoot
07/17/04 - Toaster + Paper = FIRE!
07/17/04 - Skies of Arcadia is not good for some kitties ...
06/15/04 - Men suck!
06/15/04 - Truth hurts
06/14/04 - Warcries
05/20/04 - Trouble with the Boy
05/20/04 - Dark Falz, Minnow of Darkness
05/19/04 - Alan Artois, Your ideal job is a Dentist.
05/19/04 - Tabathon, Your ideal job is a Hypnotist
05/19/04 - Asmodeus, Your ideal job is a Suicide Bomber. (2)
05/19/04 - Asmodeus, Your ideal job is a Suicide Bomber. (1)
04/25/04 - PSO Goodness 9-8 - The Trouble With Hunters
04/25/04 - PSO Goodness 9-7 - The Trouble With Hunters
03/06/04 - PSO Goodness 9-6 - The Trouble With Hunters
03/06/04 - PSO Goodness 9-5 - The Trouble With Hunters
03/06/04 - PSO Goodness 9-4 - The Trouble With Hunters
02/17/04 - PSO goodness 9-3 The Trouble With Hunters
02/12/04 - PSO goodness 9-2 - The Trouble With Hunters
02/12/04 - PSO goodness 9-1 - The Trouble With Hunters
02/06/04 - PSO goodness 8-5 - Travesty's Date
02/06/04 - PSO goodness 8-4 - Travesty's Date
02/06/04 - PSO goodness 8-3 - Travesty's Date
02/06/04 - PSO goodness 8-2 - Travesty's Date
02/06/04 - PSO goodness 8-1 - Travesty's Date
02/05/04 - PSO goodness 7-2
02/05/04 - PSO goodness 7-1
02/04/04 - PSO goodness 6
02/03/04 - PSO goodness 5-fin
02/03/04 - PSO goodness 5-7
02/03/04 - PSO goodness 5-6
02/03/04 - PSO goodness 5-5
02/03/04 - PSO goodness 5-4
02/03/04 - PSO goodness 5-3
02/03/04 - PSO goodness 5-2
02/03/04 - PSO goodness 5
01/28/04 - PSO goodness 4
01/28/04 - Organicism
01/26/04 - PSO goodenss 2
01/26/04 - PSO goodness 1
12/19/03 - That fairy's gonna pay
11/28/03 - The Trek is doomed to Fail
11/28/03 - The Trek Continues ...
11/28/03 - The Trek Begins
11/19/03 - A Lovers' Tiff?
11/01/03 - Unfunny and lacks punchline.
11/01/03 - The real use for the Yellow Pages
11/01/03 - Freaky Freaks and Questionable Motivations
11/01/03 - A Return To Villain Castle
11/01/03 - And Now For Something Completely Different
10/28/03 - Post Angst Contemplation
10/28/03 - Love but no Lube
10/28/03 - Bittersweet Courtships
10/28/03 - It's Angst, But Not As We Know It
10/28/03 - Sam and Prometheus 1
10/28/03 - Sam the Pragmatist
10/28/03 - Unfunny Parodies
10/28/03 - Free Circulating Air
10/28/03 - Handwriting of the Reaper
10/28/03 - Secret Pastime Of Demons
10/28/03 - Men and their Crises
10/27/03 - He loves and loses ... again ...
10/27/03 - Why some phrases suck
10/27/03 - Debates
10/27/03 - The Smut Never Ends
10/27/03 - The point of boxers
10/27/03 - What you see is what you get
10/27/03 - Since when did Sam not do cosplay???
10/27/03 - We call it the Lynx Effect.
10/27/03 - Exposition of a Straight Man
10/27/03 - Is this actual plot??
10/27/03 - Sam Ponders
10/27/03 - it's all in the details.
10/27/03 - VICTORY!
10/27/03 - Sam doesn't like waiting, he's American.
10/27/03 - The battle rages
10/27/03 - The first battle!
10/27/03 - Cliches are the best
10/27/03 - A real Random encounter?
10/27/03 - Off on adventure!
10/27/03 - Sam at his finest
10/27/03 - Sam likes things that go 'boom'
10/27/03 - Classic Sam Entrance.
10/27/03 - Sam's the straight one.
10/27/03 - Manga opens your mind
10/27/03 - Fact: Fanboys glomp at the speed of Light
10/27/03 - Asmo is almost pleasant, make a note of the date and time!
10/27/03 - Hooray for Asmo!
10/27/03 - Cat Girl Fanservice?!
10/27/03 - Timeshare Kitty?
10/27/03 - Wizard is Wise
10/27/03 - Fact: Rabid Fangirls Glomp at Lightspeed
10/27/03 - Hey look a Wizard!!
10/27/03 - Oh boy, here we go
10/27/03 - standing beside the really big fishtank
10/27/03 - Quests and Holy Hand Grenades
10/27/03 - I smell Mystical Donuts looming
10/27/03 - The Start of another crap Plot Advancement
10/26/03 - Disaster of a Demonic Kind
10/26/03 - Mesmerising Demons is generally a bad thing.
10/26/03 - Once again Alan saves the Day
10/26/03 - What's the betting it's marked 'Never Press This'?
10/26/03 - Demons and their Shinies ...
10/26/03 - The Hazards of Space Travel
10/26/03 - The return of the Dysfunctional Friendship!
10/26/03 - The joys of Firehood
10/25/03 - Another Random Encounter
10/25/03 - Kitty is Lame
10/25/03 - Enlightened discussions
10/25/03 - Subtle Nuances.
10/25/03 - Dictator Kitty Sees All, Knows All
10/25/03 - Revenge is so sweet
10/24/03 - Selena's Revenge
10/24/03 - And back to our scheduled program
10/24/03 - Did I mention that Asmo is a bastard?
10/24/03 - I think it's called 'Denial'
10/24/03 - It's an Asmo/Prometheus thing ...
10/24/03 - Where's the moody one?
10/24/03 - The problem is fixed!
10/24/03 - Alan meets up with Time
10/24/03 - Finding Prometheus
10/24/03 - Didatic means 'pedantic to the extreme'
10/24/03 - We must SAVE ourselves from the paradox!!
10/24/03 - Is this a plot I smell?
10/24/03 - Reasons to love Paddy 2
10/24/03 - Reasons to love Paddy.
10/24/03 - When religions collide
10/24/03 - I think I may well be this dense ...
10/24/03 - The gang's all here! (sort of)
10/24/03 - Untitled
10/24/03 - A Random Encounter
10/24/03 - Really important things 3
10/24/03 - Really important things 2
10/24/03 - Really important things
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