Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Dolphins are humongous pricks
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PSYCHE! lolololol now gimme u lunch money
Digger's Comics
12/30/10 - 2012 Campaign
06/20/05 - I just don't know anymore.
06/14/05 - The Important Decision
06/14/05 - A Heroic Novel
01/19/05 - Oh that Frisky Santa Claus
10/22/04 - Every Vote Counts.
07/21/04 - SHREK!
07/17/04 - The Ultimate Battle!
06/28/04 - Good and Evil. What about Neutral?
04/30/04 - This is just a warmup.
12/28/03 - Here, take my Life....please.
12/23/03 - Ask and ye shall receive
11/02/03 - Subliminal Messages in movies these days
10/28/03 - Grand Theft Bakery
10/27/03 - Joketime with Uncle Pappy 'n Friends
10/27/03 - Don't ever ask Jesus for candy on Halloween.
10/27/03 - Everyone on the Internet is ugly.
10/27/03 - Avril Lavigne wears socks on her arms. HARDCORE MO-FU
10/24/03 - Maybe we can do something about that
10/24/03 - Dolphins are humongous pricks
10/24/03 - Sometimes the Slogan sells the food
10/23/03 - Old jokes can still be not funny.
10/23/03 - This mission has gone awry
10/21/03 - I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus!
10/21/03 - Don't let life get you down.
10/20/03 - OMFG!!1
10/18/03 - Hillary Duff ruined our lives
10/18/03 - Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Super Long Title:
10/18/03 - Scary things that go BUMP in the night.
10/13/03 - Doin' the voodoo, that you do so well.
10/12/03 - House Music needs more Tuba
10/10/03 - Mission Impossible
10/10/03 - Revenge of the NERDS, part Eleventeen!
10/08/03 - Gandalf, This is your life!
10/08/03 - Good Morning, Nebraska!
10/05/03 - Working his way to the top!
09/30/03 - Way to rape each other's personal bubble.
09/30/03 - What you'd rather watch on Christmas Day
09/29/03 - Words to live by...
09/29/03 - I know you are, but what am I?
09/27/03 - The Grim Reaper......UNMASKED!
09/26/03 - The best way to die
09/24/03 - CC212: Tard Boy and The Temple of Doom
09/24/03 - Computers ruin your life
09/22/03 - The Ultimate Game of Strategy
09/20/03 - CC 211: Have you had your nuts today?
09/20/03 - B-I-N-G-O and Tobor was his name-o
09/16/03 - Chestnuts Roasting Over an Open Fire
09/15/03 - It helps grow strong bones......Got Suspension?
09/13/03 - HEY! Down in front....DOWN IN FRONT! Honey, get my M&M's.
09/12/03 - A Tale of Two Santas
09/11/03 - You're about as Goth as Charlie Brown.
09/10/03 - You can get a PHD in Doctorology!
09/09/03 - Digger looks back on "The Goonies"
09/08/03 - Prime example of how to successfully play Hide & Go Seek
09/07/03 - Children are only worth pennies
09/06/03 - It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel screwed)
09/04/03 - Whales have feelings too
09/03/03 - The Zombie Times: "Half moon rising? More on pg.2"
09/02/03 - No no, we're laughing WITH you.
09/01/03 - I fought the law and the law won
08/31/03 - One Ring To Rule Them All
08/30/03 - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
08/30/03 - Sharing is C-A-R-I-N-G
08/27/03 - Scariest Alien Invasion Scenario
08/26/03 - Sleep in heavenly peace
08/25/03 - Ninety-Nine reasons your dad beats you.
08/24/03 - Mind your parents or else you'll become Retarded.
08/24/03 - Be happy with what you got, K?
08/23/03 - Dear Diary...
08/23/03 - Robo-Pinocchio
08/22/03 - Jumpin' on the 'Arnold Bandwagon'
08/22/03 - Stereotypical Bob makes his rounds
08/20/03 - Superhero of the Century
08/20/03 - The Most Realistic Fight Scene EVER!
08/20/03 - The Matrix
08/20/03 - The Difference
08/18/03 - Well, it can't get any worse.
08/18/03 - KKK stands 4 NERD, LEWLS
08/18/03 - Basically how it happened
08/18/03 - Heaven is overcrowded with "Dirt"
08/18/03 - Early Christmas? That's Blasphemous!
08/18/03 - You're never too old to Save The Day!
08/17/03 - The Wrath of God
08/16/03 - COPS: Bustin' down on the Mushroom Kingdom
08/16/03 - Smooth Talker Stalker
08/16/03 - When in doubt, use your finger.
08/15/03 - The Failed Trick or Treat Plan
08/14/03 - Things you can do, Some can't be done.
08/14/03 - The Birds and The Bees
08/14/03 - What is her name, anyway?
08/14/03 - War is Hell
08/14/03 - How Everybody's Therapy session goes. (real)
08/13/03 - Holiday Sound Off!
08/13/03 - Intervention
08/12/03 - Creepy, Simply Ghoulish!
08/12/03 - Fast Food Follies
08/12/03 - Public Service Announcement
08/10/03 - Leap Frog
08/10/03 - 49 Cows are killed to make 1 hamburger.
08/10/03 - I'm King of the World!
08/10/03 - Why do they rock so hard?
08/10/03 - What Big Eyes You Have!
08/10/03 - Cause the Sims rock, you know.
08/10/03 - Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
08/10/03 - Heeeere piggy piggy piggy!
08/09/03 - Talk to The Hand
08/09/03 - Jaws 5
08/09/03 - Suicide Bombers are funny
08/09/03 - The Concert Ticket Line
08/07/03 - The Graveyard Stalemate
08/07/03 - Technology........AND I HELPED!
08/07/03 - "I have a big red knife, I can do anything!" Sorry no
08/07/03 - Never Talk to Strangers, Unless they give you Candy
08/07/03 - They never give up
08/07/03 - Behold these...10 Commandments!
08/07/03 - Don't ever interrupt a LAN party!
08/07/03 - Sorry kids, no Christmas this year
08/07/03 - Oops, I missed the bus again
08/07/03 - Frosty the Snowman
08/07/03 - Even YOU can direct Porno with my new book "Pewpsex 'n you"
08/07/03 - Clowns are your friends
08/07/03 - We're off to see the Wizard
08/06/03 - Captain Planet!
08/06/03 - The First Day of School
07/30/03 - It's a Bird, It's a Plane! No, it's a Douche Bag
07/30/03 - What Lurks in the Darkness
07/30/03 - God Knows All, or at least some guy named AL
07/30/03 - I'm not an addict (maybe that's a lie)
07/30/03 - New Games have the BEST GRAPHICS!
07/29/03 - Trick or Treat, Smell my feet.
07/29/03 - Santa, Ridin' in style?
07/29/03 - Don't Mess With The Law!
07/29/03 - They Look Upon Us
07/19/03 - Dr. Suess, pfft sorry no....Dr. Digger
07/19/03 - People are Strange, When you're a stranger
07/19/03 - No, What are YOU eating?
07/17/03 - Paranoid Andr....clown
07/16/03 - Rap Music for the People
07/16/03 - The Beginning?
07/16/03 - Are you sure?
07/16/03 - Insulted
07/16/03 - The Natural Order of Death
06/26/03 - No Yes No
06/26/03 - An Ode to you Fuckers
06/25/03 - Celebrity Weddings
06/25/03 - Where do babies come from?
06/25/03 - The Meaning of Life
06/25/03 - From France, With Love.
06/24/03 - Crime pays for your baby food.
08/01/02 - My fans judge me
08/01/02 - Cowboys ARE Indians
08/01/02 - Even BM's can save the day.
08/01/02 - A Battle of Wits
08/01/02 - Our Savior, Bless Thee
02/13/02 - Primal Fear
01/03/02 - BROTHERS?
01/02/02 - No Respect
01/02/02 - Dancing Contest
01/02/02 - False Alarm
01/02/02 - Electronic Mailing Service
01/02/02 - Hell is bad
01/02/02 - Love at first sex
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