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Featuring mostly randomness, plus the ongoing epic of Cthulhu's Girlfriend.
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The Cow's Story, Part 1
You might think that I am just an ordinary cow.
That I just give milk, eat grass, and moo all day.
But you'd be wrong. My story begins one year ago, inside this very barn...
DoktorSeven's Comics
11/15/22 - Random Comic Layout Theater # I don't know at this point
11/15/22 - Random Comic Layout Theater #do you even need a number: Mhm
11/15/22 - rndmcmclyt 2^69 - 7.5: nobody looks at this site any more
08/28/21 - RCL MMLXVIII½: I just wanted to type "hipster douchebag"
08/28/21 - Random comic blah blah etc etc yadda yadda
04/09/20 - Random comic layout part who the heck knows: me_irl
04/09/20 - Part 4: Ten years? Come on, just end it already
03/15/10 - Part 3: Don't Wake Cthulhu
03/13/10 - Part 2: Well-worn Territory
03/12/10 - Cthulhu's Girlfriend: The Return, Part 1
07/06/07 - The Cow's Story, part 8.
07/04/07 - The Cow's Story Continues! Part 7.
06/08/07 - Don't feel like making comics. Depression sucks.
06/04/07 - The Cow's Story, Part 6.
05/31/07 - The Cow's Story, Part 5.
05/30/07 - The Cow's Story, part 4.
05/28/07 - Memorial Day Intermission: More True Than Funny
05/25/07 - The Cow's Story, part 3.
05/23/07 - The Cow's Story, part 2.
05/22/07 - The Cow's Story, Part 1
05/17/07 - Worst Comic Ever IX: Round and Round
05/17/07 - More True Than Funny: OM OM OM
05/14/07 - More True Than Funny: Locked Out
05/10/07 - Vampire: The Bloodening
05/09/07 - Sorry, Gary.
05/07/07 - Homicide Is Painless
05/04/07 - Jesus the Pyro
05/02/07 - T-t-t-this Comic Sucks, Folks!
04/30/07 - Good For Absolutely Nothing
04/26/07 - Worst Comic Evern VIII: Quality Programming
04/25/07 - The Terrible Secret of Squirrels: Missing Golf Balls
04/23/07 - So Jesus walks into a bar...
04/20/07 - The Aftermath: The Final Chapter.
04/18/07 - The Aftermath, part 2: Meanwhile, back on the beach...
04/16/07 - The Aftermath, part 1: Drain You Of Your Sanity
04/11/07 - The Terrible Secret of Squirrels, Jesus Edition
04/07/07 - Doesn't ring a bell
04/05/07 - Worst Comic Ever VII: Get Over Here
04/03/07 - Ask Mr. Owl
04/02/07 - More True Than Funny: Begging for Lies
03/31/07 - Another Terrible Secret of Squirrels
03/30/07 - Worst Comic Ever VI: The Resurrection
03/28/07 - Worst Comic Ever V: The Finale
03/27/07 - Worst Comic Ever IV: I Hate That Stupid "Footprints" Crap
03/25/07 - Worst Comic Ever III: Beam Me Up, Number One.
03/24/07 - Worst Comic Ever II: Bad Dudes II: Electric Boogaloo
03/23/07 - Worst Comic Ever (Part I)
03/22/07 - More True Than Funny: The News
03/21/07 - The Funniest StripCreator Comic Ever
03/20/07 - The Terrible Secret of Squirrels
03/19/07 - Imaginary Friends
03/17/07 - Peppermint Patty
03/16/07 - Hell part 21: Deus
01/10/07 - Forced Intermission: Damn Computers!
01/07/07 - Hell, part 20: "Place of hot and tormentation"
01/06/07 - Hell, part 19: "Not Quite Dead"
01/04/07 - Hell, part 18: "Tragedy"
01/03/07 - About the same
01/01/07 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja The Last: "Fatality"
12/31/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja The Ninth: "What's Up, Doc"
12/26/06 - Intermission: Imaginary Friends
12/23/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja, The Eighth: "Roast Duck"
12/21/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja, the Seventh: "Big Cash Settlement"
12/19/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja The Sixth: "FIGHT!"
12/18/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja, The Fifth: "Standing Out"
12/17/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja, the Fourth: "Mushroom Mushroom"
12/15/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja, The Third: "Silence"
12/14/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja, the Second: "Yellow"
12/13/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja The First: "Haunted"
12/12/06 - Bunny Man vs. Ninja, Introduction: PLACE BETS NOW!
12/10/06 - Hell Part 17: The Cliffhanger (Continued in January 2007!)
12/09/06 - Hell, part 16: Ground Control To Major Tom
12/07/06 - Hell, part 15: Uncharted Desert Isle
12/06/06 - Hell, part 14: Run
12/05/06 - Hell, Part 13: Resurrecting Dead Comic Characters Is The Law
12/03/06 - Hell, Part 12: There Is Another
12/02/06 - Hell, part 11
12/01/06 - The silliest intermission ever. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!
11/30/06 - Hell, part 10: Oh Noes
11/28/06 - Hell, part 9: No, not even close.
11/28/06 - Hell, part 8: No, it's not done yet
11/27/06 - Hell, part 7: Boner
11/26/06 - Hell, part 6: Oops
11/24/06 - Hell, part 5: Master Baiter
11/23/06 - Hell, part 4: Strange Aeons
11/22/06 - Hell, part 3: Calamari Cops
11/22/06 - Hell, part 2
11/21/06 - Hell, part 1
03/06/06 - It never ends.
03/05/06 - Axe-wielding lunatics in bunny suits aren't good employees.
02/22/06 - Weaknesses
02/21/06 - Cthulhu's not the only one
02/19/06 - A Delivery Boy is a dangerous profession.
02/18/06 - Lonely Elder God
02/17/06 - The Greater of Two Evils
02/14/06 - Joke Of The Week
02/13/06 - Testicular Phlebotomy
02/12/06 - "Final Fantasy: Advent Children" In Three Panels
02/11/06 - More True Than Funny: Use Linux (or at least OS X), damn it.
02/09/06 - The Wedding, part six: End.
02/09/06 - The Wedding, part five: Saved at the last minute by...
02/09/06 - The Wedding, part four...
02/09/06 - Second Intermission -- More True Than Funny Lite Edition
02/08/06 - The wedding, part three
02/07/06 - The Wedding, part two
02/05/06 - The Wedding
02/04/06 - And the two meet, part four.
02/03/06 - Intermission
02/02/06 - And the two meet, part three
01/31/06 - And the two meet, part two.
01/30/06 - And the two meet, part one
01/28/06 - Making words up is fun.
01/28/06 - Presenting the worst Cowboy Physics strip... Ever.
01/28/06 - What not to eat
01/27/06 - It's what you all want
01/25/06 - We [Heart] Kalamari
01/24/06 - More True than Funny IV: Can You Hear Me Now?
01/24/06 - 32.3333 Percent Chance of Geekdom. Repeating, of course.
01/22/06 - Ask And Ye Shall Receive
01/21/06 - Oh, no, not again.
09/03/05 - Americans Will Cause Hell To Rule The Earth
08/31/05 - ...too soon?
08/27/05 - The Secret Plan Revealed
08/24/05 - In Other News, Let's Try This One Again :(
08/24/05 - In Other News, China's Population Fell 90% In Just One Month
08/22/05 - More True Than Funny III: Terr!
08/16/05 - The Child of Cthulhu Likes Spleens
08/16/05 - Oops.
08/09/05 - Random Comic Layout Theater Some Huge Number: The Last One
08/09/05 - Nothing Lasts Forever
08/08/05 - Baby Jesus Is Crying
08/07/05 - Missing You
08/05/05 - Black Pants Down
08/03/05 - Random Comic Layout Theater XV: Meow
08/03/05 - Drugs Are, Um, Good.
08/03/05 - Cthschoolu
08/03/05 - The 14th Random Comic Layout Theater: So Very, Very Tired
08/02/05 - Can't Be Too Careful
07/30/05 - There's Always Something
07/28/05 - All comics eventually use the phrase "Naked Twister"
07/25/05 - The Continuing Adventures
07/22/05 - The Short Attention Span Syndrome of TV Moves To Books
07/20/05 - More True Than Funny II
07/18/05 - I'm Very Very Sorry
07/18/05 - Homeland Security Will Be At My Door Tomorrow
07/17/05 - Fuck you, Robert Frost.
07/17/05 - This Is All The Random Comic Layouts For A While (Pt. 13)
07/17/05 - Random Comic Layout Theater Reloaded, Part 12
07/17/05 - Return of the Revenge of the Random Comic Layout XI
07/16/05 - Random Comic Layout Was Too Fun To Stop, Part Ten
07/16/05 - Random Comic Layout Was Too Fun To Stop, Plan Nine From Hell
07/16/05 - Random Comic Layout Was Too Fun To Stop, Version 8.0.0
07/16/05 - Random Comic Layout Was Too Fun To Stop, Part sqrt (49)
07/16/05 - Random Comic Layout Was Too Fun To Stop, Part The Sixth
07/15/05 - Random Comic Layout Theater, Part The Last
07/15/05 - Random Comic Layout Theater, Part ****
07/15/05 - Random Comic Layout Theater, Part Drei
07/15/05 - Random Comic Layout Theater, Part Dos
07/15/05 - Random Comic Layout Theater, Part I
07/14/05 - Remorse
07/12/05 - "Linking"
07/11/05 - Final Fantasy VII In Three Panels
07/11/05 - Moving On
07/11/05 - Complications
07/10/05 - The Silliest Comic In This Series (So Far)
07/10/05 - First Time
07/10/05 - Special Place
07/10/05 - Needs
07/10/05 - More True Than Funny
07/10/05 - Power
07/10/05 - Switch
07/10/05 - Brains
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