Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Comics by Robin J. Elliott, CEO of - we specialize in Joint Ventures - make money with no cost or risk. Lots of free stuff on our website,
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by DollarMakers
Tom finds a need
Hey, Wendy, you still looking to buy an apartment?
Yes, I am - you know a good realtor?
He sets up the JV
Damon, you're the best realtor I know. If I bring you a client who buys from you, will you pay me 20% of your commission?
In a heartbeat, ol' buddy - bring it on!
He links supply and demand to get paid
Wendy, my friend Damon will call you - he's helped a lot of my friends find the right apartment.
Thanks, Tom - I look forward to hearing from him
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