Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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When not busy plotting to overthrow the human race from his aquatic domain, Dr Cornelius Fish brings you the wonders of Joe The Superglued Youth and Frink The Monochrome Chicken, and their joyous adventures through an unfeasible time paradox. Or is it??? AT LEAST THAT'S THE WAY IT USED TO BE!!! Now Dr Fish delves into the murky world of butchers and paedophilia...
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by DrCorneliusFish
Our hero feels crappy:
Hey Beat Poet! Why didn't you help me just then?
Because, hep cat, I really can't be arsed. I hope you've learnt your lesson.
Oh I feel so shit. I'll sit on that bench and cry like a baby.
AAARRGGGHHH!!!!! Enter: Joe The Superglued Youth!!!
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!
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