Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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It's been 21 years now. My account can drink, so it can now join me.

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by DragonXero
You see, this was originally going to be the ending of the first strip, but Pablo whined about the camera angle and all that.
What?! What?!
Good god! You're a horrifying disembodied finger puppet!
That pablo, he's a whiny little bitch. I personally really liked this scene, but hey, you gotta keep your disembodied actors happy, right?
You snuck up on me, and scared me.
Last I heard, Pablo was found dead somewhere in Mexico. Funny thing is, he was wrist-deep in some mexican hooker's vagina.
Oh, well, then you should look behind you.
Oh no. I know Tobor's back there. I'm not looking yet.
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