Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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It's been 21 years now. My account can drink, so it can now join me.
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The Classics
Mary Theresa, Colt .45, Atilla.
Name a nun, a gun, and a hun.
DragonXero's Comics
12/08/23 - Fuck 2023
06/23/22 - Not Funny, Just Reality
08/27/19 - Meh
08/27/19 - Renewal pt. 1
09/08/17 - If the Natives Reacted Like Us 3
09/08/17 - If the Natives Reacted Like Us 2
09/08/17 - If the Natives Reacted Like Us
07/12/15 - Customer Service 5
07/12/15 - Customer Service 4
07/12/15 - Customer Service 3
07/12/15 - Customer Service 2
07/12/15 - Customer Service?
07/09/12 - Equality, Lol
01/12/12 - Follow Directions
07/07/11 - It's Like That
05/17/11 - Alt-Itis
05/17/11 - Moar WoW
05/17/11 - Organic Food
01/01/11 - Happy New Year
10/25/10 - Vinegar
09/28/10 - Computers
09/26/10 - Pir8s 2: Dead Hooker's Chest
09/26/10 - Pir8s
09/23/10 - Always an Out
09/23/10 - Freedom Freedom Freedom Hoy!
09/23/10 - These Blast Points, too Accurate for Sand People
09/23/10 - Clinically Insane
09/23/10 - Kittens!
09/23/10 - Puppies?
05/20/10 - Muhammed and the Pig: The REAL Story
04/20/10 - Do They Get Trained to Be Stupid?
03/06/10 - The Fires of Mordor
02/07/10 - CC445 Entry: The Women in my Basement
02/07/10 - Ah Racism.
12/04/09 - Breaking Her
12/02/09 - Wat
11/29/09 - Axl Rose's Last Tour
09/23/09 - OMG America So Bad!
08/07/09 - Change
07/06/09 - Kill Different
06/02/09 - Confusion
04/28/09 - Dailies
04/28/09 - SAUSAGES
04/28/09 - Inside My Head
04/22/09 - That Crazy Spankling.
04/17/09 - Dear FBI: I didn't really do that.
04/06/09 - Splat.
03/31/09 - LOL, RORSCHACH
03/31/09 - LOL, MORE WATCHMEN!
03/28/09 - Huge
03/26/09 - GET IT?!
03/24/09 - LOL WATCHMEN
03/10/09 - He Did.
03/06/09 - U2?
02/27/09 - Lazy Ass
02/27/09 - You Are Now Breathing Manually
02/27/09 - And Yet It Still Feels Episodic
02/27/09 - See? There's continuity.
02/24/09 - But it Should
02/24/09 - Gimmie That
12/15/08 - WoW! Death Knights!
09/17/08 - And Rabid Monkeys.
09/17/08 - Beef Jerky
09/17/08 - Yes, Even the Psycho that Dumped Her!
09/17/08 - Squish
09/15/08 - They Really Are
09/15/08 - Too Soon?
09/11/08 - Or From Under The Bed...
09/11/08 - It's Really Just The Sex
09/11/08 - Or Musicians
09/11/08 - Next Door to "The Kitchen"
09/11/08 - Nailin Palin
05/06/08 - A Large One
04/01/08 - WoW, What a Class
03/21/08 - WoW Assholes 3: The Ninja
03/21/08 - WoW Assholes 2: The Dumbass Dueller
03/21/08 - WoW Assholes 1
03/21/08 - WoW Instance Idiots 4: Assholes
03/21/08 - WoW Instance Idiots 3
03/21/08 - WoW Instance Idiots 2
03/21/08 - WoW Instance Idiots 1
03/20/08 - World of Warcraft 2
03/20/08 - World of Warcraft
01/25/08 - Tennis Elbow
12/26/07 - December 24th, Part 2
12/26/07 - December 24th, Part 1
10/12/07 - Call of Duty 4... I must have it.
08/17/07 - Stolen from
07/16/07 - Ha HA!
07/13/07 - Over Before it Began (Not Funny)
06/04/07 - Oh, But it IS Your Problem!
06/04/07 - Still Not My Problem
06/04/07 - Not my Problem
05/13/07 - Spider Discrimination
05/01/07 - Eww
05/01/07 - RUN!
04/14/07 - My Rights
04/03/07 - About Bisexuals
03/21/07 - THE FUTURE Pt. 1!
03/21/07 - THE FUTURE Pt. 2!
03/21/07 - THE FUTURE Pt. 3!
03/19/07 - Stop it!!!
03/13/07 - STOP IT
03/09/07 - Ooops!
02/28/07 - Chemical Substantiation
02/26/07 - Mahna?
02/23/07 - Urine-Nation
02/23/07 - More Nastiness
02/23/07 - Oh Shits
02/23/07 - You'd Never Know...
02/21/07 - The Answer is Always Herpes!
02/20/07 - Burning Eyes
02/15/07 - Disease!
02/15/07 - This Goes Out to Vegans and Atkins Dieters Alike
02/15/07 - Legislation?
02/15/07 - Lessons in Nutrition
02/15/07 - Mmmm, Creek Bugs!
02/15/07 - Congress: Getting it Done
02/15/07 - Biting Political Satire?
01/10/07 - Stupid Idea, Stupid Joke
12/16/06 - Not Dead
10/02/06 - Fuck it.
08/23/06 - Oh No You Didn't!
08/19/06 - A Life of Laziness
08/19/06 - A Life of Laziness
08/19/06 - A Life of Laziness
08/19/06 - A Life of Laziness
08/19/06 - A Life of Laziness
08/19/06 - A Life Of Laziness
08/11/06 - More Nerdy Humor
08/11/06 - Time Flies
08/11/06 - Don't Do It!
08/10/06 - My Imagination
08/10/06 - Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
08/09/06 - Pissing on Convention
08/09/06 - Next Semester
08/09/06 - Emo by Accident?
08/09/06 - ALMOST
08/09/06 - Bar Trouble
08/09/06 - Wrong Bar (Alone!!)
08/09/06 - Squirrelphobia
08/09/06 - Abhorring the Arboreal
08/09/06 - Lost
08/09/06 - Won't You Take Me Down to Abu Gharib?
08/09/06 - Video Game Humor - HA!
08/09/06 - I Met This Chick...
08/09/06 - Suicide is Painless
08/09/06 - Bathroom Humor
08/09/06 - Espresso
08/09/06 - Starbucks Is Hackened
08/09/06 - Libertarians Vs. Libertarians
08/09/06 - Death > Life
08/09/06 - Anti-Smoking
08/09/06 - Democrats Vs. Libertarians
08/09/06 - Republican Vs. Libertarian
08/09/06 - Facts About the Right
08/09/06 - I'm Confused
08/09/06 - WTF D00D?
08/09/06 - Not What You Think
08/09/06 - It's Just A Joke
08/09/06 - Church Humor
08/09/06 - Ha HA! Fuck it.
08/09/06 - Japanese Porn, Look it Up
08/09/06 - There's A Joke Here...
08/09/06 - Damned State
08/09/06 - This One's Sick
08/09/06 - NCC-1701D
08/09/06 - Nothing Easy
08/09/06 - Band Names
08/09/06 - Explosive Siblings
08/09/06 - You'll Barely Notice...
08/09/06 - That Shit's Extra
08/09/06 - Hooker
08/09/06 - Can't Touch This
08/09/06 - Dog-Gone It.
08/09/06 - Sins of thy Brother
08/09/06 - Since Dad Died...
08/09/06 - Two-Party
08/09/06 - Aunt Flo
08/09/06 - Fear
08/09/06 - You Don't Know Me
08/09/06 - It Burns!
08/09/06 - Gentlemen! Behold!
08/02/06 - Kennedy and Edward '08
07/19/06 - The Prez Said Shit
07/19/06 - Syria and Hezbollah
07/18/06 - Pruno Dreams
07/18/06 - Why he Went to Prison
07/18/06 - Prison Bitch Syndrome
07/11/06 - Mario Partay MVIII
06/29/06 - Do Me a Favor
06/23/06 - Star Trek Mischief 5
06/23/06 - Star Trek Mischief 4
06/23/06 - Star Trek Mischief 3
06/23/06 - Star Trek Mischief 2
06/23/06 - Star Trek Mischief 1
06/23/06 - Paging Dr. Tobor
06/23/06 - Off to See the Doctor
06/23/06 - lazl, pedophiles.
06/23/06 - lol, mormons/lol, jehova's witnesses.
06/23/06 - One Day in Middle Earth?
06/23/06 - A New Leather Coat?
06/23/06 - Tobor Want Love Too
06/21/06 - The Adventures of L. Ron Hubbard
06/21/06 - Xenu
06/20/06 - lol, ...Wait, what the fuck?
06/15/06 - The Archangel
06/15/06 - Skinner
06/15/06 - Last New Years
06/15/06 - Working Out
06/15/06 - Why did the Chicken Jaywalk?
06/15/06 - Zombiebunnyaxefuckgrind.
06/15/06 - Ohmigod!
06/15/06 - Questions and Answers (From a Cop!)
06/14/06 - Decorations...
06/14/06 - Riddle me This:
06/14/06 - Random Vampires
06/14/06 - Sick Randomness
06/14/06 - Licensing.
06/14/06 - What the Fuck?!
06/14/06 - Ode to Injokester
06/14/06 - lol, agnosticism.
06/14/06 - lol, atheism.
06/14/06 - lol, scientology.
06/14/06 - lol, satanism.
06/14/06 - lol, christianity.
06/14/06 - Bwahahaha
06/14/06 - EXTERMINATE!
06/14/06 - Random Mail
06/14/06 - HA HA! I am making game humor!
06/14/06 - Disappointing
06/14/06 - Question Answered
06/13/06 - lol, wicca.
06/10/06 - Star Wars: Before the Old Republic
06/10/06 - Epic Quest Preview
06/10/06 - The Bathrix.
06/10/06 - Still Not Gay
06/10/06 - The Hotness
06/10/06 - Cowboy Physics - The Prequel
06/10/06 - In Need of Help
06/10/06 - More Shitbunnies
06/10/06 - Ice Cream
06/10/06 - Trick or Treat!
06/10/06 - You Laughed, Didn't You, Sicko?
06/10/06 - Options
06/10/06 - The Issue with Ichthorians
05/31/06 - Lies
05/25/06 - What Are You Looking At?
05/25/06 - Slutty
05/25/06 - The Elves!
05/17/06 - Relationship Issues
05/17/06 - At the Costco
05/17/06 - Supermarket Stories
05/17/06 - I Don't Get It
05/17/06 - Differences
05/14/06 - State Hate (Special Thanks to Zimri)
05/12/06 - If You Know What I Mean
05/03/06 - Puer Canero Physica
05/01/06 - Post-emptive Strike
04/28/06 - Metal > Goth > Emo
04/28/06 - Columbine?
04/26/06 - I Told You
04/26/06 - Carry On...
04/26/06 - This Town Still Ain't Big Enough.
04/26/06 - Big Enough...
04/26/06 - Ninja Vs. Pirate
04/10/06 - Hairtology
04/10/06 - Buck Angel makes a Porn
04/08/06 - The SithFather.
03/17/06 - Sometimes, It IS Unplugged!
03/16/06 - Computing
03/13/06 - I Should Really Not Make Comics Whilst Drunk.
02/15/06 - Noir
01/18/06 - In Enemy Territory, No One is Safe...
12/24/05 - Santa Physics 2
12/24/05 - Santa Physics
12/24/05 - Frosty the Snow... man?
12/24/05 - Non-Denominational Winter Festival Celebration (end)
12/24/05 - Non-Denominational Winter Festival Celebration (4)
12/24/05 - Non-Denominational Winter Festival Celebration (3)
12/24/05 - Non-Denominational Winter Festival Celebration (2)
12/24/05 - Happy Non-Denominational Winter Festival Celebration 2005!
11/12/05 - Retalliation
11/12/05 - Don't Laugh at This
11/07/05 - Internal Bleeding
11/01/05 - She Packed My Bags... Preflight...
10/31/05 - RCL #?
10/30/05 - Not Really a Gay Joke
10/29/05 - A Halloween Special
10/25/05 - Hate
10/25/05 - Welcome to the Club
10/25/05 - Untie the Gimp
10/25/05 - Shavebot?
10/25/05 - Felchbot 5000 4
10/25/05 - Felchbot 5000 3
10/25/05 - Felchbot 5000 2
10/25/05 - Bunnyman Meets Felchbot
10/25/05 - Re-Welcome Committee
10/25/05 - Yet Another Wrong Club
10/25/05 - To Boldly Split Infinitives
10/25/05 - Still Hasn't Happened
10/25/05 - Hasn't Happened (Yet)
10/25/05 - Drunk Comics
10/23/05 - Stupid Cunt (Not Funny)
10/23/05 - Random Comic
10/22/05 - Stripcreatrix: The Untold Stories
10/22/05 - New Phone
10/21/05 - Rejected
10/21/05 - Beam Up
10/21/05 - It Is On
10/21/05 - DUUUDE!
10/21/05 - Revisionist History
10/21/05 - Redshirt Ensign in Other Situations
10/20/05 - Goth and Spock
10/19/05 - I HUNGER!
10/18/05 - New Art!
10/18/05 - New Phone
10/18/05 - More Musics
10/17/05 - War is Hell
10/17/05 - Vampire Drugs
10/17/05 - Ninja vs. Vampire
10/17/05 - FIGHT!
10/17/05 - Goth
10/17/05 - On the Run
10/14/05 - Big Comics!
10/13/05 - Untitled for a Reason
10/13/05 - Old Meets New 2
10/13/05 - Old Meets New 1
10/02/05 - PETA!
09/29/05 - God: Series Finale
09/27/05 - From the Heart to the Head
09/27/05 - This is Life As I Know It
09/25/05 - Indecision 2040
09/25/05 - Indecision 2032
09/25/05 - What's YOUR Excuse?
09/19/05 - Tobor and Pirate Bob
09/15/05 - Women Troubles
08/28/05 - Random Shite
08/28/05 - *Error*
08/28/05 - Bollocks
08/28/05 - Shut Up, Mammal
08/28/05 - Wait, What Worked?
08/28/05 - Demands
08/28/05 - Incompetent Marauders
08/04/05 - Higher Defaults
08/04/05 - Higher Physics
08/04/05 - Higher Beings?
08/04/05 - Higher Beings
08/04/05 - The Mysteries of the Universe
08/03/05 - Skree! (Partly inspired by Krinkle)
07/30/05 - The End!
07/30/05 - Coming To The End
07/30/05 - Cannibal Cruises
07/30/05 - Gotta Get Away...
07/30/05 - Better Off Dead
07/30/05 - Cannibal!
07/30/05 - Hooray?
07/28/05 - CC 291: A Very Green Dinner.
07/26/05 - Don't Do Drugs, Kids.
07/26/05 - Extreme Minimalist Art
07/26/05 - O Woe is Spankling
07/26/05 - Milk: It Does a Body Good!
07/26/05 - The Ugly Duckling
07/26/05 -!
07/26/05 - Myeh.
07/26/05 - Lesbian Woman!
07/23/05 - Lord of The Rings?
07/22/05 - CC290: Blondes and Razorblades
07/22/05 - Sodomy
07/18/05 - Racism!2
07/18/05 - Racism! :O
07/16/05 - A Tribute to Smurph: PSA#X: Stupid Shoppers
07/15/05 - Yummy Robots 2!
07/15/05 - Sorry For the In-Joke
07/14/05 - In A.D. 2005
07/03/05 - Weekend Shit III
07/03/05 - Weekend Shit II
07/03/05 - Weekend Shit I
07/01/05 - Another Lame Comic
07/01/05 - Random Unfunny Crap
07/01/05 - Dropman and Frozenman!
07/01/05 - Godbush!
07/01/05 - Stupid Toilets
07/01/05 - BALLS!
07/01/05 - Hummers, Bush and Hookers. No, this is not CNN.
07/01/05 - Not What It Seems...
07/01/05 - Dueling Subs?
07/01/05 - DNS
07/01/05 - Invisible Friends
06/21/05 - Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt at a Bar
06/21/05 - Even More Porn
06/21/05 - More Porn
06/21/05 - Porn
06/21/05 - For Ivy
06/15/05 - WARNING: Racist Joke
06/11/05 - Nail in the Head
06/11/05 - Wicca?
06/11/05 - Oops!
06/10/05 - SHUT UP 3.
06/10/05 - SHUT UP 2
06/10/05 - SHUT THE FUCK UP.
05/30/05 - Zeke
05/26/05 - Metal Bar Re-Re-Re-Visited
05/24/05 - Jarjaricide
05/24/05 - CC 283: Revenge of the Midgets
05/23/05 - In Honor of Episode III:
05/23/05 - In Honor of Episode III:
05/23/05 - Sects not Sex
05/23/05 - Smiting
05/21/05 - Icky Nips
05/21/05 - Wrong Bar Again?
05/21/05 - Stupid Questions
05/21/05 - Sucky?
05/19/05 - The Other Side of the Story
05/19/05 - I'm Sure it Works...
05/19/05 - Only People in Chico (Area) Should Get This...
05/19/05 - What Happened to Coffee?
05/19/05 - Dejected
05/19/05 - Buyin' Around
05/19/05 - Metal Bar Revisited
05/19/05 - What The Hell?!
05/19/05 - Squirrelly Nuts
04/26/05 - Duck L'Orange
04/22/05 - Clown Wiccans?
04/21/05 - No, YOU suck.
04/21/05 - Too Late
04/21/05 - What If... Savanah Came Back?
04/19/05 - Mr. Info Talks About Prison Society
04/19/05 - Mr. Info Talks About AIDS!
04/19/05 - Mr. Info Talks About Crime!
04/19/05 - Mr. Info Talks About Pornography!
04/19/05 - Mr. Info Talks About Slave Labor
04/19/05 - Mr. Info Talks About Feminine Hygiene
04/19/05 - Mr. Info Talks About the Catholic Church!
04/19/05 - Mr. Info Talks About Pubic Lice!
04/18/05 - Society: 1, James: 0
04/11/05 - I have no idea.
04/08/05 - GENTLEMEN! 3
04/08/05 - GENTLEMEN! 2
04/08/05 - Soda Guards
04/07/05 - GENTLEMEN!
04/05/05 - More Tips for my Fellow Men
04/05/05 - A Few Pointers for my Fellow Men
04/05/05 - Squirrel Rape?
04/05/05 - Asian Girls!
04/05/05 - Aisle Shit
04/05/05 - Broken Neck
04/05/05 - CPS
04/05/05 - Wimmin(ish)
04/04/05 - Film Issues
04/04/05 - Sick Robots
04/01/05 - Astral Physics
03/30/05 - Fucking Retarded
03/29/05 - Current Events II
03/29/05 - Current Events
03/27/05 - Making a Living
03/27/05 - Heavenly Pick-Up Lines
03/27/05 - Little Devil
03/27/05 - Mommy Syndrome
03/27/05 - I Dream of Bewitched
03/27/05 - Witches Don't Give Wishes
03/27/05 - Abuse
03/27/05 - Clippy Helps!
03/27/05 - Randomness
03/27/05 - Irresponsible Parenting
03/27/05 - Shitty Powers
03/27/05 - A Robot Christmas Story
03/27/05 - A SUPERHERO Comic
03/27/05 - You Shook Me All Night Long
03/27/05 - More Adventures of Tobor
03/27/05 - Happy Zombie Jesus Day!
03/27/05 - Don't Talk to Strangers
03/27/05 - No Idea
03/27/05 - Butch & Black
03/27/05 - Neo & Morpheus?
03/25/05 - Damned Wimmin
03/24/05 - Butch's Problem (Random)
03/24/05 - Randomness!
03/15/05 - Don't Ask Unless You Want to Fucking Know
03/14/05 - More About Fucking Piercings
03/13/05 - Wimmin 2
03/13/05 - Wimmin
03/13/05 - Amish?
03/13/05 - Even More Fucking Piercings
03/13/05 - More Fucking Piercings
03/13/05 - Fucking Piercings
03/08/05 - CC 227: Mutant Deleted Scenes (with commentary!)
03/08/05 - CC 227: Mutant Bloopers
03/06/05 - Too Much To Ask
03/06/05 - Gender Swap
03/06/05 - Canadian Tobor (For Amber)
03/06/05 - A Few More Things To Help You Drive:
03/06/05 - More Ways Not To Piss People Off While Driving:
03/06/05 - How Not to Piss People Off While Driving:
03/03/05 - Read a Book
03/03/05 - Type-O-Negative
03/03/05 - Sloganize It II
03/03/05 - Sloganize It!
02/27/05 - Why 2
02/27/05 - Why?
02/27/05 - Air Force 2
02/27/05 - The Air Force...
02/25/05 - Professor Asshole
02/25/05 - Revenge of Mutant
02/24/05 - The REAL Formula Here:
02/24/05 - Enter the Ninja VIII: Enter the Ninjas
02/24/05 - Enter the Ninja VII: Forrest Ninja
02/24/05 - Enter the Ninja VI: Fahrenheit Ninja Eleven
02/24/05 - Enter the Ninja V: Ninja on 32nd Street
02/24/05 - Enter the Ninja IV: He Naled Teh Ninja
02/24/05 - Enter the Ninja III: Moo Shu Ninja
02/24/05 - Enter the Ninja II: Ninja Going Deep
02/24/05 - Enter the Ninja!
02/24/05 - Slaves?
02/21/05 - Communist Friends II
02/21/05 - Communist Friends
02/20/05 - Yeah, Too Soon
02/20/05 - Poor Timing
02/20/05 - Channeling
02/09/05 - Flaming Monkey Poo Stick!
02/07/05 - Ultra Offensive Comic
02/01/05 - When Did I Become Such an Asshole?!
01/31/05 - We Talkin' Bout Women
01/31/05 - So Unpredictable
01/30/05 - Vomit is Funny
01/28/05 - Whiny Liberal Comic Creator Enabler
01/22/05 - Jay and Silent Bob?
01/19/05 - Life Without Death
01/19/05 - More Reaper Follies
01/19/05 - A World Without Death
01/04/05 - Easily Entertained (Props to Choadie)
01/04/05 - Anatomy of Tobor
01/04/05 - Jesus & His Dad
01/04/05 - Jesus & Jesus
01/04/05 - Cameos
01/04/05 - Animal Planet V
01/04/05 - Animal Planet IV
01/04/05 - Animal Planet III
01/04/05 - Animal Planet II
01/04/05 - Animal Planet!
01/04/05 - Dear CHUBBY:
01/03/05 - GTA: Glutte County (Inspired by mmeyers)
01/03/05 - Apathy > Rebellion
01/03/05 - Stupid Wimmin.
01/02/05 - Viking vs. Knight
01/02/05 - Before the Battle
01/02/05 - Product Placement
01/02/05 - Confused Viking
01/02/05 - Dinosaur Love, Dinosaur Hate
01/01/05 - I'm SO Sorry.
12/31/04 - Epic Quest: To Be Continued?
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (X)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (IX)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (VIII)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (VII)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (VI)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (V)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (IV)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (III)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (II)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 3 (I)
12/31/04 - Prelude to A Really Big Battle
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (X)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (IX)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (VIII)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (VII)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (VI)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (V)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (IV)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (III)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (II)
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux Chapter 2 (I)
12/31/04 - Interludium
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux X
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux IX
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux VIII
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux VII
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux VI
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux V
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux IV
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux III
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux II
12/31/04 - Epic Quest Redeux I
12/31/04 - The Morning After New Year's VII
12/31/04 - The Morning After New Year's VI
12/31/04 - The Morning After New Year's V
12/31/04 - The Morning After New Year's IV
12/31/04 - The Morning After New Year's III
12/31/04 - The Morning After New Year's II
12/31/04 - The Morning After New Year's (I wish)
12/28/04 - If I had Jedi Powers (I'd abuse them)
12/27/04 - Cowboy Physics?
12/27/04 - Sixty Times!
12/27/04 - Fuck You
12/27/04 - Smelly
12/27/04 - You Blinked
12/27/04 - Make Up Your Own Title 2:
12/27/04 - Make Up Your Own Title:
12/26/04 - Pedo!
12/26/04 - I GOT A NEW GUITAR!!
12/25/04 - Santa Claustrophobic
12/25/04 - Two for the Price of... Three?
12/24/04 - Unhappy New Year's
12/24/04 - A Very Bitter New Years
12/24/04 - Whoops!
12/24/04 - Protest This!
12/24/04 - Chirstmas I
12/24/04 - X-Mas?
12/22/04 - New Shite
12/21/04 - Women.
12/20/04 - Alien Physics
12/16/04 - Fuck Off
12/15/04 - Broken
12/15/04 - Schrodinger and His Cat VI
12/15/04 - Schrodinger and His Cat V
12/15/04 - Schrodinger and His Cat IV
12/15/04 - Schrodinger and His Cat III
12/15/04 - Schrodinger and His Cat II
12/15/04 - Schrodinger and his Cat
12/15/04 - Fargin' Squirrel Bastages
12/13/04 - Fuckin' Ell.
12/13/04 - Likely Reaction
12/13/04 - Stupid Fucking Squirrel
12/13/04 - Fucking Heartless Squirrels
12/13/04 - Finals
12/13/04 - Test 3
12/13/04 - Training 2
12/13/04 - Training Program
12/13/04 - Construct
12/13/04 - Whorish Christmas
12/13/04 - Swedish Cøck & Balls
12/13/04 - Stop Reading Ahead, Bitches!
12/13/04 - Brad and III
12/13/04 - Brad and II
12/13/04 - Brad and
12/12/04 - Real Life Adventures of DX I
12/10/04 - I Propose a Toast to Dead Babies
12/05/04 - My Weekend V
12/05/04 - My Weekend IV
12/05/04 - My Weekend III
12/05/04 - My Weekend Part II
12/05/04 - How Was My Weekend?!
11/09/04 - I Only Dream in Black And White
11/08/04 - Damn Drugs
11/08/04 - Bush Answers Question! (Again, yes, it's late)
11/08/04 - Kerry Answers Questions (Yes, I Know it's Late)
11/08/04 - No Good Men?
11/08/04 - Impossible Dreams
11/08/04 - The History of Racism...
11/08/04 - Rocking the Vote!
11/04/04 - Adjustments
11/04/04 - I Just Need to Figure Out the Walk...
11/04/04 - Some People Don't Get It
11/04/04 - Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Will.
11/03/04 - A PSA To Rude Assholes
11/03/04 - To Those Who Criticize Third Party Votes
10/28/04 - Godly Nerd(?) Humor
10/28/04 - Little Problems - Creds to Gabu
10/28/04 - More Nerdiness
10/28/04 - American Pi
10/28/04 - Nerdy/Religious Humor
10/28/04 - Nerdy Jokes?
10/13/04 - Metre - Meter - Yard?
10/07/04 - Veep Debates
10/03/04 - President Samuel Jackson!
09/27/04 - CC259
09/26/04 - 10 Kilos
09/22/04 - Fun With Racial Epitaphs!
09/22/04 - Concubine?
09/22/04 - No KFC in Hell
09/21/04 - Blatant Ripoff
08/31/04 - OMG SLIPKNOT!
08/31/04 - Crabby Joins the Fold
08/30/04 - Widescreen II!
08/30/04 - Stunt Double
08/30/04 - Bob and Ash IV
08/30/04 - Bob and Ash III
08/30/04 - Bob and Ash II
08/30/04 - Bob and Ash
08/30/04 - Apologies to Monty Python
08/30/04 - Flav-a-cum
08/25/04 - Drunk Pants
08/19/04 - My Night at the Buffet
08/11/04 - WIDESCREEN!
08/11/04 - Things that make you go "Euuuugghhh"
08/11/04 - Scottish Musings
08/11/04 - Fourth Wall
08/11/04 - What the cunt?
08/11/04 - You is fan of said bacon? (SPECIAL EDITION)
08/11/04 - Tats
08/11/04 - Drunk and Bitter Xero
08/11/04 - Fargin' Bastage Ice Holes!
06/01/04 - A Joke in the Office
05/26/04 - World's Worst #18: Rude Boi!
03/13/04 - 'nny Vs. Jason
03/04/04 - Comments on Comments 6
03/04/04 - Comments on Comments 5
03/04/04 - Comments on Comments 4
03/04/04 - Comments on Comments 3
03/04/04 - Comments Comments 2
03/04/04 - Comments on Comments 1
02/24/04 - WW7: Bathroom Follies
02/04/04 - Bungee Jumping
02/04/04 - ZS #22: Womens!
02/03/04 - The True Damage Created By Janet's "Nipple Slip"
02/03/04 - theviciousanarchist and nicejohnson Have a Spat
02/02/04 - ZS 14: Drugs Are Bad, Mmkay?
02/02/04 - One Of Us!
01/30/04 - 30: Goto 10
01/30/04 - The Soul Paradox
01/29/04 - He's Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown
01/29/04 - Coming On
01/29/04 - Not Very Funny
01/29/04 - Eyelids
01/29/04 - Spank the Bunny
01/29/04 - Asiangirl... 3??
01/29/04 - Squishy Physics
01/29/04 - Squishy 2
01/29/04 - Squishy
01/28/04 - Fo' Sheezy
01/26/04 - Blue Searches for a Surrogate Family Thanksgiving
01/25/04 - FTC 20: Bizzarre Sexual Terms
01/19/04 - Bad Ideas: Working With Your Significant Other's Brother
01/19/04 - FTC #19 Template
01/17/04 - nigralb
01/16/04 - ASIAN AHA!
01/16/04 - Judas Christkiller
01/16/04 - 3 Panel Video Two Minutes To Midnight/Livin' After Midnight
01/15/04 - It's Okay.
01/15/04 - Is this funny?
01/15/04 - Lamer
01/15/04 - Smaller
01/15/04 - Murder Weapons
01/15/04 - Me + Women = Confusion
01/15/04 - SPLAT
01/13/04 - Liberals like to Conserve!
01/13/04 - Serial Comic 9.6
01/13/04 - 666: The Number of Pissing off Liberals and Conservatives
01/13/04 - Hippie
01/13/04 - Horses
01/13/04 - Golden Poker
01/13/04 - This is SICK
01/13/04 - FTC 18: Hot Sweet Asses
01/11/04 - Chicka = Jesus!?
01/11/04 - Damnation and Reiteration
01/11/04 - Exploitation
01/11/04 - Emasculation
01/11/04 - Dejection
01/11/04 - Tobor's Retirement
01/08/04 - I Like Family Guy
01/07/04 - Wangs. Sometimes dongs.
01/07/04 - Wangs. Also: Dongs
01/03/04 - Breakin' the rules
01/01/04 - Why Rabid_Weasle Hates Me
12/23/03 - They Stay That Way, Folks
12/09/03 - Raisins of Wrath
12/09/03 - Long (and thick!) Division
12/09/03 - Double Your Standards, Double Your Fun
11/25/03 - Why I hate dcomposed.
11/21/03 - CC221: Cheater
11/21/03 - FTCX: That Crazy Martian
11/19/03 - Dressup Days
10/31/03 - Zombie Meat
09/30/03 - A Night at the Office VIII
09/30/03 - A Night at the Office VII
09/16/03 - A Night at the Office VI
09/16/03 - A Night at the Office V
09/16/03 - A Night at the Office IV
09/16/03 - A Night at the Office III (Work, or High School??)
09/16/03 - A Day (Night) at the Office II
09/10/03 - Total Ripoff
02/17/03 - Tentacle Rape!
02/14/03 - Bad Business
02/14/03 - Feb. 14
02/14/03 - My Valentine's Day Comic
01/12/03 - Sickened
12/05/02 - Disturbing Computing
12/02/02 - Wrong House Again?
11/30/02 - Wrong House
11/30/02 - Pre-Rejection
11/30/02 - NEEDENT NOO?
11/30/02 - DreXero 19: Shr00pocalypse Now
11/30/02 - DreXero 17: Shr00 Horn
11/30/02 - DreXero 15: Shr00 Bettar Believe Eet Mang!
11/30/02 - DreXero 13: If You're Not Into Shr00, You're not You.
11/30/02 - DreXero 11: ASHR00! Bless You!
11/30/02 - DreXero 9: PEESHR00! What Stinks in Here?
11/30/02 - DreXero 7: Attack of the Shr00z
11/30/02 - DreXero 5: Silence of the Shr00
11/30/02 - DreXero 3: The Son of the Mang Named Shr00
11/30/02 - DreXero 1: Enter Teh Shr00
11/26/02 - Clause B
11/12/02 - Psychic Clowns
11/11/02 - Wirthling Sucks II
11/11/02 - More Confusion
11/11/02 - Confusion
11/11/02 - New Prices
11/11/02 - Size Issues
11/11/02 - Upgraded Defaults
11/11/02 - Dead and Naked
11/11/02 - Redneck Preachers
11/11/02 - New Ideas
11/11/02 - What?
11/11/02 - Ha HA!
11/10/02 - Fighting or Fucking?
11/10/02 - Return of the Son of Mutant
11/10/02 - On Strike Again
11/10/02 - Return of Mutant
11/10/02 - Fatherly Lovin'
11/08/02 - Metal Bar
11/08/02 - Feminist Bar
11/08/02 - Not Mutant XI
11/08/02 - Mutant X
11/08/02 - Mutant IX
11/08/02 - Mutant IIX
11/08/02 - Mutant VII
11/08/02 - Mutant VI
11/08/02 - Mutant V
11/08/02 - Mutant IV
11/08/02 - Mutant III
11/08/02 - Mutant II
11/08/02 - Mutant
11/08/02 - Stripcreator = Crack
11/07/02 - Vermin X
11/07/02 - Vermin IX
11/07/02 - Vermin IIX
11/07/02 - Vermin VII
11/07/02 - Vermin VI
11/07/02 - Vermin V
11/07/02 - Vermin IV
11/07/02 - Vermin III
11/06/02 - Vermin II
11/06/02 - Vermin
11/04/02 - One Day in Downtown Chico
11/04/02 - 3:35 AM
11/04/02 - 3:30 AM
11/04/02 - 3:15 AM
11/04/02 - 3:05 AM
11/04/02 - Still no Food!
11/04/02 - Where to Eat?
11/03/02 - Racism
11/03/02 - Federal Offender
10/31/02 - Mouthful!
10/31/02 - Donate? Sure!
10/31/02 - I Ordered Brains!
10/31/02 - BRAINS!
10/28/02 - A Kinder, Gentler tobor
10/28/02 - Errr...
10/27/02 - Robot Convention
10/27/02 - Crowding
10/16/02 - The Cop and the Bobby.
10/15/02 - Monty Python
10/15/02 - Sucky Sucky fi' dorra!
10/15/02 - The Number of the Breast
10/15/02 - Wrong Room?
10/15/02 - Untitleded.
10/15/02 - Dinner
09/11/02 - Er... I'm Black
09/11/02 - Never Forget...
09/06/02 - Cowboy Physics No. 1,000,000
09/06/02 - Desert Rape
09/05/02 - Leftyfb = God?
09/05/02 - Lost Keys
09/05/02 - Water Adventures
09/05/02 - Brad & Tobor
09/05/02 - Never Say Die
09/05/02 - Cowboys in... Something
09/05/02 - Alone (Yet Another Stupid Rotor Turbines Comic)
09/05/02 - HOOKERS!
09/04/02 - Omni Mortuus- I am the Black Wizards (Originally by Emperor)
08/31/02 - Dismemberment (Single-Panel Version)
08/31/02 - Dismemberment!
08/31/02 - Dry Heat
08/31/02 - Tobor Rurbines
08/31/02 - Kinky Shit's Extra
08/28/02 - Not Likely
08/28/02 - Clinton Bashing
08/28/02 - FFCBoD!!!
08/28/02 - Insulting Dialogue
08/28/02 - What Indeed!
08/26/02 - Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter!
08/26/02 - FENCE OF DOOM! (Pt 2 of Series)
08/26/02 - Diary of a Mad Skater Pt 1
08/22/02 - Wonk You Come Home Bill Bailey?
08/22/02 - Wonk in a Million
08/22/02 - Wonkbor is Born!
08/22/02 - Wonking Origins?
08/22/02 - Wonking Off
08/22/02 - Wonk if you're a Giant Red Robot
08/22/02 - Wonk Wonk Wonk Wonk
08/22/02 - Out With Ker-Transform, In With Wonk Wonk Wonk
08/22/02 - Something Completely Similar
08/22/02 - Gabe's Mind
08/22/02 - BRING THE FUNNY!
08/21/02 - Vicious Rumors
08/21/02 - More problems...
08/21/02 - Cheatin' Lyin' Heart.
08/21/02 - Donors
08/20/02 - Jonbonet and Mary-Kate's Non-Sequitor War of Peace Pt 13(2)
08/20/02 - Jonbonet and Mary-Kate's Non-Sequitor War of Peace Pt 13
08/20/02 - Dinosaur Work Follies
08/20/02 - Go Away!
08/20/02 - Hot Donkey Sex
08/20/02 - Stuffed Critters
08/20/02 - Lizardnuns!
08/20/02 - Apocalyptic Catharsis
08/20/02 - Cowboy Monologue
08/15/02 - Disney Health
08/15/02 - Falwell and LaVey's Dance of Copulation Pt. 11
08/15/02 - Bert and Ernie's Whippin' Good Fun Pt. 9
08/15/02 - Avast, Ye Asslubbers!
08/15/02 - Vanilla Ice and Eminem's Wild Weekend Pt 7
08/15/02 - Captain Braids
08/15/02 - The Misadventures of Bush and Gore Pt 5
08/15/02 - A Very Metal Voyage
08/15/02 - Bill Gates and Steve Jobs' Pleasures Pt 3
08/15/02 - CC 137: ARRR!
08/15/02 - Wirthling and Kajun's Pleasures Pt 1
07/17/02 - High School Reality Pt 2
07/17/02 - High School Reality Pt 1
07/16/02 - Demon vs. Clippy
07/11/02 - Tobor is a Ladies Man
07/03/02 - Worlds Worst #2: Gyno Exam
07/02/02 - Cowboy Comedy
06/30/02 - CC128: What If?
06/30/02 - CC128: What If?
06/30/02 - CC128: What If?
06/30/02 - CC128: What If?
06/29/02 - God & Jesusia.
06/29/02 - Reboot.Successful.
06/29/02 - I Found Life In The Universe!
06/29/02 - Jesusia?
06/29/02 - Jesus!
06/29/02 - French People
06/29/02 - No One In Here But Us Demons
06/29/02 - No life = No Party
06/29/02 - Party Time!
06/29/02 - Miracles Can't Happen To You
06/29/02 - @#$% Indeed!
06/29/02 - Rebooting the Stripcreator Universe
06/29/02 - Reflective Goddess
06/29/02 - Asian Mixup
06/29/02 - Don't See Who?
06/29/02 - Cowboy Physicals
06/29/02 - AH! I AM DIETING!
06/29/02 - Xenophile
06/28/02 - Cowboy-Physik (Courtesy of Babelfish)
06/26/02 - Mexicana Goddess (2)
06/26/02 - Mexicana Goddess! (1)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (11) THE END... (or is it?)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (10)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (09)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (08)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (07)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (06)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (05)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (04)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (03)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (02)
06/26/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 3 (01)
06/26/02 - Hot as Hell!
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (21)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (20)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (19)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (18)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (17)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (16)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (15)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (14)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (13)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (12)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (11)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (10)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (09)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (08)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (07)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (06)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (05)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (04)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (03)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (02)
06/25/02 - Epic Quest Chapter 2 (01)
06/24/02 - Tobor's Rape (2)
06/24/02 - Tobor Gets Assraped (Pt 1)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (21)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (20)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (19)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (18)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (17)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (16)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (15)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (14)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (13)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (12)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (11)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (10)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (09)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (08)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (07)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (06)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (05)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (04)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (03)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest (02)
06/24/02 - Epic Quest of Mythical Proportions (01)
06/24/02 - Talking Phone Meets Surly Dragon
06/24/02 - Duet 15
06/24/02 - Damned Unions
06/24/02 - Deeo
06/24/02 - The Clowns
06/23/02 - On Strike?!
06/23/02 - Nate Gets His Dues
06/23/02 - Rotor Turbines on the SS Enterprise.
06/23/02 - Demons & Wizards - Fiddler on the Green
06/23/02 - Abducted VII
06/23/02 - Abducted VI
06/23/02 - Abducted V
06/23/02 - Abducted IV
06/23/02 - Abducted III
06/23/02 - Abducted II
06/23/02 - Civil War Pt II/Abducted
06/23/02 - Civil War!!
06/23/02 - The Funniest Joke Ever Told
06/06/02 - FUNNY
06/06/02 - Blind Guardian - Sadly Sings Destiny
06/06/02 - The End
06/06/02 - Tobor's Sick
06/05/02 - Episode 7: ATTACK OF THE TOBOR!
06/05/02 -!
06/04/02 - The Classics
06/04/02 - 70077?
06/04/02 - What Happens When You Don't Pay Attention in History
06/04/02 - This Is Deep. Trust Me.
06/04/02 - Tobor's Penis Problems
06/04/02 - Self-Depreciating Humor! OH BOY!
06/04/02 - New Representation
06/04/02 - Could Hurt?
06/04/02 - Spork!
06/04/02 - Predator Loses Another One
06/03/02 - Black Metal!
05/30/02 - Smoking
05/28/02 - Spigot Again
05/27/02 - Not quite as good as the "Eye Drops" version.
01/03/02 - Comic 50,000 please!
12/13/01 - Runaway Mirror-Image Pt2 (Return!)
12/13/01 - Runaway Mirror-Image Pt1 (Tobor)
11/29/01 - Satan Claws
11/29/01 - Christmas Music
11/29/01 - Blind Guardian - Black Chamber
11/28/01 - Amalgamation of Catchphrases
11/28/01 - The Snobbit
11/25/01 - Tentacle Rape!
11/21/01 - Serial Comic IV - Insensitive Bitch!
11/21/01 - Writhling Sucks
11/10/01 - Sick Freaks
11/10/01 - One Fucked Up Christmas
11/09/01 - Lobotomies
11/09/01 - Laugh, Damn You
11/09/01 - Fakeout
11/09/01 - Pak Chooie Unf
11/09/01 - Bring in the Christian Values
11/08/01 - Comic Contest Entry: Tobor's House of Assrape!
11/08/01 - Spankling De Sod
11/08/01 - Anthrax Scare
11/02/01 - Sodomizer 50,000 Meets Tobor In Time!
11/02/01 - Sodomizer 50,000, 5,000 AD 2
11/02/01 - Sodomizer 50,000, 5,000 AD
11/02/01 - Sodomizer 50,000 in Time!
11/02/01 - Sodomizer 50,000
11/02/01 - Sodomizer 5K
11/02/01 - If You Can't Figure This Out, You Suck.
11/02/01 - I Know the Answers, Although they Don't Exist
11/02/01 - Riches?
11/02/01 - Dreaming
11/02/01 - The Trees Speak
11/01/01 - Scary! Part 2
11/01/01 - Scary Pt 1
11/01/01 - ANTIOREO!
11/01/01 - Comic Contest Entry: The Empress' New Face
10/28/01 - Tobor is Not so Sensitive (I Guess)
10/28/01 - Tobor is a Sensitive, Caring Cornholer
10/28/01 - All's Quiet
10/27/01 - Tobor Tryouts II
10/27/01 - Rebuttal
10/27/01 - Keegus Permus Prime
10/25/01 - Tobor is Pure Love
10/24/01 - Fake Tobor BAD!
10/24/01 - Where Are the Damn Muffins?
10/24/01 - Tobor & James
10/24/01 - What Are You?
10/24/01 - Black Cross
10/22/01 - Tobor vs. ACLU
10/22/01 - SC Welcoming Committee
10/21/01 - Loser 2 Pt 3
10/21/01 - Loser 2 Pt 2
10/21/01 - Loser 2 Pt 1
10/18/01 - Jesus and Foothead
10/18/01 - Three Blind Mice
10/17/01 - CC73: Wimps and Posers, Leave The Hall
10/17/01 - Judas Priest!
10/17/01 - Drug Dealer?
10/15/01 - Bad HTML!
10/15/01 - Single
10/15/01 - Staring
10/15/01 - Imprisonment
10/15/01 - Secret Agent Man
09/18/01 - No Title Needed!
09/18/01 - Tentacle Rape?
09/18/01 - Silly
09/14/01 - Chat Schmat
09/14/01 - Bad Idea
09/14/01 - TOBOR is King!
09/14/01 - Stripper Meet
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Je$u$ $ave$.
09/13/01 - Not Whores
09/12/01 - Boy or Girl?
09/12/01 - Skeletons in Love
09/12/01 - Don't Hang Me!
09/11/01 - Ph34r m3.
09/11/01 - Corporal Tobor!
09/10/01 - An Answer to a Question
09/10/01 - A Typical Day in Australia
09/09/01 - Meeting of the Regs
09/09/01 - The Messican
09/09/01 - Thassa Spicy Meataballa
09/09/01 - You're Fired!
09/09/01 - Back to Basics!
09/09/01 - Mirror Image
09/07/01 - Randomness
09/07/01 - Corpsegrinder!
09/07/01 - Welcome Home (Pt 3)
09/07/01 - Welcome Home (Pt 2)
09/07/01 - Welcome Home (Pt 1)
07/09/01 - Kill All the White Man
05/10/01 - CC29 - Old People and Horses
05/04/01 - MOVIES BAD!
04/30/01 - UnFunny
04/26/01 - Fire Bad
04/26/01 - Tobor Sad 2
04/26/01 - Tobor Sad!
04/26/01 - Rarr
04/26/01 - Hell
04/26/01 - Tobor and Jesus
04/26/01 - Randomness
04/26/01 - Fluffy Bunnies
04/26/01 - Skree
04/26/01 - Anal Probe Deux
04/26/01 - Wrong
04/26/01 - Ew.
04/25/01 - CC26 - Hurtful Bitch.
04/25/01 - Festival End
04/24/01 - Tobor!
04/23/01 - What If...?
04/23/01 - Comic Contest 25
04/22/01 - Stupid Jesus
04/22/01 - Damn Bigots
04/19/01 - Comic Contest #24 (Example)
04/17/01 - Comic Contest Uh, Something
04/17/01 - Shut Up
04/17/01 - Clive!
04/12/01 - KFC
04/11/01 - Low Pass
03/29/01 - Flaming Hair
03/29/01 - Quake!
03/29/01 - Flaming Pubic Hair, Batman!
03/29/01 - Welcome Back Again, Kotter
03/27/01 - Lameness
03/27/01 - Idiocy Een
03/27/01 - Take Me
03/27/01 - Loser 3
03/27/01 - Loser
03/27/01 - Losers
03/26/01 - Bad Post
03/26/01 - Heaven
03/26/01 - Not Really Funny
03/26/01 - Comic Contest XVI (Call of Cthulhu)
03/25/01 - Breed
03/24/01 - Cowdonk
03/24/01 - Misunderstanding
03/24/01 - Line Dancing Chickens Redeux. (Comic Contest XV)
03/23/01 - Fucking Lars
03/23/01 - Death of a Clone
03/23/01 - Fourth Wall
03/23/01 - Sexist!
03/19/01 - Ouch!
03/19/01 - Quake Rules
03/19/01 - Comic Contest XIII: Freak Boy and Homer Chicken
03/17/01 - Comic Contest XII: Shall I Compare?
03/17/01 - Dhalsim?
03/17/01 - Moron
03/17/01 - Uncomfortable.
03/17/01 - JHC
03/17/01 - Bastard
03/14/01 - Bad Horizontal Hold
03/14/01 - NOT a Ripoff, I Swear
03/14/01 - Microsoft Airstrike
03/14/01 - Yup
03/09/01 - Cake!
03/09/01 - Pete Again
03/09/01 - Indy Pete Hits a Snag
03/09/01 - Boom!
03/09/01 - More Use
03/08/01 - Told You
03/07/01 - KKK or Ghosts?
03/07/01 - DBZ
03/06/01 - Bend Over
03/06/01 - Poop.
03/06/01 - D'oh!
03/06/01 - I Hate Morons
03/06/01 - Detachable Penis
03/06/01 - Eternity III (The End[?])
03/06/01 - Eternity II
03/06/01 - Styx Part 4/Eternity Part 1
03/06/01 - Styx Part 3
03/06/01 - Styx Part 2
03/06/01 - Gotta Make
03/06/01 - Styx
03/05/01 - Comic Contest XI: TV Tribulations
03/05/01 - Quick Tips
03/05/01 - Tripe
03/05/01 - Your Homophobic Background
03/05/01 - Retarded
03/05/01 - Lame
03/04/01 - Drunken Fools!
03/04/01 - OoM?
03/04/01 - Loser
03/04/01 - Overreaction
03/04/01 - Ouch
03/04/01 - Huh?
03/04/01 - Used
03/03/01 - Fuck
03/03/01 - Shut Up
03/02/01 - Leet-o
03/02/01 - Xero's Guide To Syndication
03/02/01 - Scabies
03/02/01 - Jesus Sex
03/02/01 - Not Reallly Meant to be Funny
03/02/01 - W3rd
03/01/01 - Death By Eternal Flame
03/01/01 - Lame Ass 1337 Speak
03/01/01 - Punishment
03/01/01 - Bloody Limeys
03/01/01 - Whoa.
03/01/01 - Never Say Die
03/01/01 - Almost A Nonsensical Strip
03/01/01 - Weird.
03/01/01 - Zcieenteests
03/01/01 - Fantasy Quest Part III (The End)
03/01/01 - Fantasy Quest Part II
03/01/01 - Fantasy Quest Part 1
03/01/01 - Problems With Verb Phrases
03/01/01 - Dude, Did You Break Wind?
03/01/01 - Sodomizing Cows With Titanium Orbs
03/01/01 - Dating Tips
03/01/01 - Self-angst
03/01/01 - You Don't Get Out
03/01/01 - Wanker
03/01/01 - Goat Pr0n
03/01/01 - Goat?
03/01/01 - Learn To Swim...
03/01/01 - Xero and Puffycloud
03/01/01 - Cow & Chicken II
03/01/01 - Default?
03/01/01 - How To Enjoy Bad Comics
03/01/01 - Nonsense?
03/01/01 - And Now For Something Completely Similar
03/01/01 - He'll Like It
03/01/01 - Jesus Gets a Mental Whuppin'
03/01/01 - Idiots In the Strips
03/01/01 - Dolt
03/01/01 - Oh!
03/01/01 - Weird.
03/01/01 - Cheap Cartoons.
03/01/01 - Sorry
03/01/01 - Fucktard
03/01/01 - Dark.
03/01/01 - Xero and Bunny (Again)
03/01/01 - Stolen Jokes
03/01/01 - New Characters?
03/01/01 - Why Spigot?
03/01/01 - What the Hell?
03/01/01 - Xero & Pete
03/01/01 - Staring Contest
03/01/01 - Xero's Further Women Problems
03/01/01 - Cloning Is Fun
03/01/01 - Xero and Shelly
03/01/01 - Ko Fight Club?
03/01/01 - Boring
02/28/01 - Damn, I'm Pathetic
02/28/01 - Give Up.
02/28/01 - Sinfest?
02/28/01 - Kade and Xero
02/28/01 - Y'know what's funny?
02/28/01 - I don't get it.
02/28/01 - Damn
02/28/01 - Walnuts?!
02/28/01 - Hell
02/28/01 - Invisible Man
02/28/01 - More Topical Humour
02/28/01 - Very Topical Humour
02/28/01 - Ronin Warriors?
02/28/01 - Silverhawks!
02/28/01 - Gay Men In Love
02/28/01 - Gay or Not Gay?
02/28/01 - Ouch.
02/28/01 - Dragon Xero Speaks With Sycess!
02/28/01 - Ferrous Oxide's Day Off
02/28/01 - Depression
02/28/01 - Shelly Joins the Show!
02/28/01 - Moh?
02/28/01 - It's Like A Drug!
02/28/01 - It Gets Worse
02/28/01 - Return of Davesco!
02/28/01 - Interview With Kade
02/28/01 - Demise
02/28/01 - The End Of the World As We Know It
02/28/01 - Comic Contest #9: Jethro Looks For Ass
02/27/01 - Drunken Gods (I Hope God Has A Sense Of Humor)
02/27/01 - God's Little Problem
02/27/01 - Jesus and Sickness
02/27/01 - FECUND!
02/27/01 - Sadness
02/27/01 - Coffee!
02/27/01 - COFFEE ME!
02/27/01 - Dragon Xero and Mitch
02/27/01 - Litigation Sucks
02/27/01 - Word.
02/27/01 - Revalations
02/27/01 - HA HA.
02/27/01 - Breakin' the Law
02/27/01 - One Panel
02/27/01 - Moh Returns!
02/27/01 - Post Apocolips Now
02/27/01 - Apocalips In 1 Minute!
02/27/01 - Apocolips In Two Minutes
02/27/01 - Apocolips, In Five Minutes
02/27/01 - Plothole Fillers
02/27/01 - A "New" Idea!
02/27/01 - The Gathering (Part 3[The End?])
02/27/01 - The Gathering (Part 2[The Plan])
02/27/01 - The Gathering (Part 1)
02/27/01 - Token Black
02/27/01 - Moh!
02/27/01 - ARRRGH!
02/27/01 - X-Files, Only Tamer!
02/27/01 - The Doc Don't Get Out
02/27/01 - At Last, It's Revealed!
02/27/01 - Even Christ Is Fallable
02/27/01 - Toe?
02/27/01 - We Shall Join Forces!
02/27/01 - James interviews james!
02/27/01 - Reflection
02/27/01 - Talk Show!
02/27/01 - Drunks Are Fun!
02/27/01 - Backfire
02/27/01 - Jesus, the ORIGINAL Ol' Dirty Bastard.
02/27/01 - Lost In Faces
02/27/01 - The New Pentium 4!
02/27/01 - Don't Touch the Thing!
02/27/01 - Amateur Night
02/27/01 - Something Seems Familiar...
02/27/01 - Existentialism, Moron Style
02/27/01 - Anatomy Lesson?
02/27/01 - Muahahaha...
02/27/01 - Jesus Died For You (Or Did He?)
02/27/01 - This Is Disturbing...
02/27/01 - Yeah, Man.
02/27/01 - Stupid Napster Users
02/27/01 - The Deadly Battle
02/27/01 - Nothing Makes Sense, Why Should I?
02/27/01 - On the Way To War
02/27/01 - Dude, Did You Fart?
02/27/01 - Idiot Hippies
02/27/01 - Annoying Posters.
02/27/01 - Cthulhu's Joy
02/27/01 - This is so sad.
02/27/01 - Depression
02/27/01 - KILL THEM BOTH NOW!
02/27/01 - Cybersex?
02/27/01 - Very Stupid and Pontless!
02/27/01 - And Jesus Saves The Day!
02/26/01 - Wake the fuck up!
02/26/01 - Nazareth Be Damned!
02/26/01 - Bad TV Programming.
02/26/01 - A Chance Encounter With 'ULTRA FEMMINIST'
02/26/01 - Vetgetarian Death
02/26/01 - Chickens CAN Fit In Asses!
02/26/01 - Jesus' Joke
02/26/01 - Jesus Is Itchy.
02/26/01 - Jesus eets faces.
02/26/01 - Save Us!
02/26/01 - Yummy Robots
02/26/01 - Robot Luvin
02/26/01 - Abductions
02/26/01 - Poop!
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