Huh. Wha. Ooooh look more alchohol.
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| Well, our new guy's an idiot but he'll haveta do. | |
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| Whatda say. Our a watcha macall him gave me some brew thatya payed him. He's cool. | |
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Ha,Ha,Ha. This is soooo funny.
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| Well, I'm gonna have to beat it out of you. Form of Santa Clauss | |
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| Yay, I get to see Santa. Wait a minute. What Santa gonna do? Press on his belly and say he,he,he? | |
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Who's the big, fat, and red guy?
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| No, I'm going to press on my belly and say ha,ha,ha. No presents for you this year. Ha,ha,ha. | |
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| Aaaaaaaahhhhhh. No not that. Noooooo. Hey I'm not drunk anymore. Weird. | |
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