Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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*Holds arms up in the air like wings and runs around in circles screaming "I'M A AIRPLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!"* I like my cow socks when they have penguins on them.
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by Dunkin912
Agent Xqzdivf broadcasting. Do you read, my lord?
Ah, Xqz. You made it onto the planet safely, I trust. how goes the mission?
They don't suspect a thing. However, the invasion of the planet might take longer than expected. Let's just say that a technicality has to be applied for before we can send in the troups.
And what would this technicality be?
Well. . . um. . . have you ever tried something called a "Happy Meal"?
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