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| I almost cba living fs. IRC is a wank substitute for socialising, school sucks & I can’t even get a girlfriend :( | |
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| Ell m8, no girl is going to want you with a nail if yer head ffs. Make the best of what you got, least you’re not Jewish n black, how the hell you think my mum feels? | |
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| Thank you Careh. In light of the miserable existence of others, my problems seem so trivial. Maybe I don't have it so bad after all. | |
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| I've plenty more where that came from, last night I slammed my balls in the door of Benno’s car, I gave up on girls n turned gay & place my hand down meh pants when speaking 2 people. | |
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| Goddamnit, don’t do that again! | |
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| Bet ur dead sexah under that hood ain’t ya ;) Can I borrow that blade to eat meh dinner wif sometime plzthxbye | |
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