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| MY EMPEROR!!! The scourge of the G4 robots has been confronted on the western front. The robots are sissies sir, and should coward in fear at our might!!! | |
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| Excellent news Nameless Soldier, precede with our plans to conquer the Western Hemisphere. | |
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| Now I admit, its quite a shame we have to conquer the entire Western Hemisphere in order to rid ourselves of the robots. But you cant save the world without conquering it first. | |
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| You know bitch, sometimes I think you're more concerned about becoming an absolute monarch than you are about the important issues of life. | |
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Where did those robots go??
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| Well, afterwards, I might possibly consider looking into the real issues, for a price. If it will aid my loyal subjects, then it could be worth my time. | |
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| Subjects?!?! Fuck them!! Just give me Four Swords now you scuzzy whore! Otherwise I might pout, instill great anger in our parents, and make your life a living hell!!! | |
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