Butch let out his *Little* Secret... His new girl was horrified.
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| I gotta tell you a secret. I have a small penis honey. Forgive? | |
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| Yes? What is i.. oh my god! How could it be that small! What did you do! | |
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Oh no butch...what are you going to do? No. No that...not that....NOT THAT!!!!
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| I knew you couldnt stand me being such a small man...Ill be right back.... | |
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| How could it be that small? I could grow one bigger than that! I mean.... | |
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| Butch. Im sorry but, you just dont have enough for me. Butch? You still there? You listening to me? | |
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| Yes...Im right here....its too late. I heard what you said. I got what I needed. *Chuckle* | |
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