Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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4-6 equals negative fun.
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by Etch
Super fighter chimi destroyed opponent after opponent in the Super World championships where anyone....anything could compete Chimi Vs Maniac Bondage squirrel
Hiyah! take that! and that! and that! *Crack* *Smash* *Crrrack*
Ahhh! my lung! Ahhh! my Spine!!! Ahhh my brain
Yes Chimi Destroyed MBS with relative ease. Chimi was only one round away from fighting the super champion that has reigned supreme for the last 8 years...never losing a match. Next round... C
Ahahahaha! Take that! Hyah! *Burn* *Melt!* *Fizzle* Hah! You cant even stand up to my secret magnifying glass move!
Im melting. Im melting! Oh the humanity!
Yes. Chimi Melted all of her competition down with relative ease. Now. NOW. It was time to take on the super champ! Chimi Vs Jesus
Chimi: ...............................................
Oh! sorry. Those beans give me really bad gas! How was I supposed to know she had a lighter lit to light up her cigarette... Well anyways... Woohoo! I am still the champ!
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