Super fighter chimi destroyed opponent after opponent in the Super World championships where anyone....anything could compete Chimi Vs Maniac Bondage squirrel
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| Hiyah! take that! and that! and that! *Crack* *Smash* *Crrrack* | |
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| Ahhh! my lung! Ahhh! my Spine!!! Ahhh my brain | |
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Yes Chimi Destroyed MBS with relative ease. Chimi was only one round away from fighting the super champion that has reigned supreme for the last 8 years...never losing a match. Next round... C
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| Ahahahaha! Take that! Hyah! *Burn* *Melt!* *Fizzle* Hah! You cant even stand up to my secret magnifying glass move! | |
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| Im melting. Im melting! Oh the humanity! | |
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Yes. Chimi Melted all of her competition down with relative ease. Now. NOW. It was time to take on the super champ! Chimi Vs Jesus
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| Chimi: ............................................... | |
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| Oh! sorry. Those beans give me really bad gas! How was I supposed to know she had a lighter lit to light up her cigarette... Well anyways... Woohoo! I am still the champ! | |
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