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| Tihocan: Hes not really skinny but his ass always burns for the one called starry. SUPAR POWAR: Unwanted affection. | |
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| Lich: Pours sweet sweet honey on the nasty nasty spam? Bah! SUPAR POWAR!: Thick honey from his bum. | |
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| KING : Our Crazy canuck from north of the border. Denies Her canadia heritage even though we knows shes canadian. SPECIAL POWAR: FLAME BALL O DEATH FROM HER FLAPPING HEAD!!~~ | |
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| Starry: Wears all black and is like trying to ward off tihocans charms. May be Spoony's love child. SPECIAL POWAR: Is able to shoot weak beams out of his guitar. | |
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| Etchran: Special Agent for the MEP (Midget eradication parliment) Loves to kick midgets. SPECIAL POWER: Intensifies sun beams off his shiny head which causes sun burns. Doesnt work at night... | |
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| Spoony Bob: May be Starry's estranged father. Hes not really a cop. More of a stalker of EVAL! SPECIAL POWAR: Writing tickets with an unreal fine! Doo doo! | |
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