Pirate Nazis kick ass. Dwarf commies lick ass.
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| Yarrr. You godless, sickening communist! I hate you! | |
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| Let us all have unions! And a form of government where the people run it, and aren't greedy! | |
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| What? Teh fuck? Nazism is teh pling pling. But we have one common enemy. | |
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| Yes. You are right, comrade. The Dahlberg. | |
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Behold! He is Dahlberg, the disagreementarianist. Who uses his power as a teacher to make himself look better and smarter.
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| Holy fuq. He's a dumbshit. | |
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| You are a fool! I shall personally attack you to make you look like an idiot in front of your peers! It's a shame you have to call them your peers, because they are morons! But I don't care. | |
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