The Evil NFU Recon insists on taking the great sir Bobbeh's coords, to pass them on to the nafarious NoCeX
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| I am master Recon. Give meh Bobbeh's coords, little wibla! | |
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| but i dun wanna! ok, ok, I give in.. they are *Whispers coords* | |
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Evil master Recon finds the valiant Bobbeh, but Bobbeh uses his powerful Aberdeen Bam Mind Games, one of the most feared techniques in the galaxy, to repel Recon
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| HAHAH! I have found you after days of l33t searching. 1 0wnz j00 n00b. | |
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| Da Sass me, fit ken. Check my kappa suit like, min. aye min, ya startin? | |
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Bobbeh is victorious. Da Sass.