Some of the People and Stages people go through when they start going to those wierd all-night dance parties(based on Characters from LoungeX)
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| Hi my name is BrainWashed I don't know that much about anything but I'll go to any party and pay whatever I'm told to pay, I couldn't think on my own and now I'm high too, no more than a robot now | |
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| Hi I'm Kand-e, I'm the little innocent thing that's always very ignorant and believes that everyone loves me cause I'm so cute and I love everyone. I'm so E-Tarded everyone thinks I'm so annoying | |
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| Hi I'm JibberyJab I'm so pissed off that I destroyed my life and I'm so Jealous cause I used to be like KandE, But Now I'm basically a Crack whore | |
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| Hi My Name is James I'm JibberyJabs Drug-Dealer boyfriend. I hate her but she puts out for drugs | |
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| Hi My name is Sketch I hate everyone now cause I party all the time and did way too many drugs. No One likes me now cause I'm an asshole who feels sorry for myself. All I can do is be bitter | |
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| I don't have to fucking tell you my name let alone talk to you I'm way to OldSchool for your ass you fucking hippy. The only thing that I do like is the color Black | |
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