Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Where There is a Will, There is a Janeway
I am havink difficult time keepink power in prison.
...What kind of accent is that? What part of Russia are you supposed to be from?
I am thinkink... North? North Russia?
All of Russia is north. You still think you're on Voyager, don't you?
I will get this ship home.
FactoryRejects's Comics
06/16/18 - 10010010000110100100001001101
12/13/17 - All I Want For Christmas
05/05/17 - CONNECTING TO THE LIFEGAME STORE..............Failed
05/05/17 - 15 Reasons Why LIFEGAME Is A Major Let-Down
05/05/17 - LIFEGAME
06/30/16 - CONSUME
04/17/16 - Me and Billy Dee - "Thai One On"
04/17/16 - Me and Billy Dee - "Colt Open"
02/27/16 - Political Humor
12/11/15 - Christmas Isn't About You
12/11/15 - The All-New Toshiba RE-CV
12/11/15 - King of Kings
12/11/15 - The Christmas Skeleton
12/11/15 - The Uncomfortable Rattling of the Assembly Line
12/11/15 - Pitch In Spirit
12/11/15 - #28947872968923 - Christmas Sub-Par In Most Environments
12/11/15 - How Dare You
12/11/15 - Pet Peeves
12/11/15 - Dogballs
12/11/15 - Dot Common
12/11/15 - The Ghost of Christmas Bedbugs
12/11/15 - Rabbit Rex
12/11/15 - Murray Christmas
12/10/15 - Happy Christmas, Mitchell
11/18/15 - ROBTS
09/19/15 - The Kids Watch Friday
02/27/15 - Spock-Blocked
02/07/15 - not even for charity
01/25/15 - Verbal Warning
01/25/15 - I Think His Name Is Stan
01/25/15 - There's A Cleanliness Issue
01/25/15 - Deflated Hopes
09/08/14 - The Penile System
09/08/14 - Where There is a Will, There is a Janeway
09/08/14 - Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Black
08/27/14 - the big dick on Mars
08/27/14 - the best drawn dicks
08/27/14 - the best laid plans
08/11/14 - It Really Is Hard To Be Funny
08/08/14 - Beelzebub
07/08/14 - Genesis 1:1
03/20/14 - this blank stare goes on for centuries
02/16/14 - Slayne Turven in Needed 2: Vent a Little
02/16/14 - Hellpaving
01/30/14 - almost made a duplicate comic
11/02/13 - memory card not found
11/02/13 - not in the cards
10/04/13 - Telling People Things
09/10/13 - drivin-joke
08/08/13 - Starring "Thomas" from Downton Abbey
07/14/13 -
06/12/13 - terror firma
05/02/13 - If a dependable drummer dies, we're set
04/23/13 - started the whole world crying
04/22/13 - upgrade 2.0
04/22/13 - upgrade
04/18/13 - #stripcreator - feat. "sway"
04/13/13 - you really can't
04/12/13 - I was drafted against my will
04/01/13 - I QUIT
01/27/13 - Happy Anniversary
01/26/13 - "Your Friend, Slayne"
01/26/13 - Slayne Turven in The Flight of Zrogagks Tol
01/26/13 - Slayne Turven in Illegal Jailbreaking
01/26/13 - Black Hawk Download
01/24/13 - Slayne Turven in Two Tickets to Damnation
01/24/13 - Slayne Turven in The Carnival Of The Damned
12/12/12 - I'm beer when you need me
11/15/12 - post-election discussions with dad
11/05/12 - extremely
11/05/12 - barely
08/29/12 - shunned.exe
07/11/12 - never trust a robot in a crisis
05/02/12 - can't win 'em all
04/28/12 - 198404
03/26/12 - morning person
03/26/12 - Slayne Turven Rides Again
03/26/12 - hogan's heroes
03/26/12 - better from a friend
03/23/12 - cowabungle
03/23/12 - E.D., or Eternal Damnation
02/28/12 - awry
02/21/12 - hence the title
02/20/12 - My Strange Precursor To Murder
02/19/12 - one man's skunk
02/19/12 - the good old blaze
01/08/12 - the party rages on
12/31/11 - drive safe
12/23/11 - we are the office workers
11/02/11 - idle hands
10/20/11 - suffer the little children
10/16/11 - Who Cares 15, Grow Up 7
10/05/11 - iTooSoonâ„¢
09/30/11 - Home Alone 5
08/24/11 - when words collide
08/21/11 - V-Party like it's 2012
08/21/11 - now hiring closers
08/20/11 - Satanetflix
08/14/11 - didn't want this to get ugly
08/10/11 - Ubuntu 11.04
07/17/11 - wack
07/07/11 - we'll all get casinos
06/19/11 - funality
06/12/11 - not so funny now, is it
06/08/11 - The Brickening
05/22/11 - faith
05/11/11 - "Rain" could keep an eye on her; she has 5 kids
05/08/11 - May Glorious Light Warm Your Shells
05/01/11 - soft eviction
04/10/11 - TMI
04/08/11 - hate triangle
03/26/11 - New Mortal Kombat
03/17/11 - your decision processing matrix seems to be lousy with hooch
03/10/11 - a skeleton and a robot walk into a bar
01/19/11 - problem solved
01/19/11 - The Commode to the Fallen
01/15/11 - Crapcom
01/14/11 - Santa Claustrophobia
12/18/10 - laughing all the way
11/28/10 - Ubuntu 10.10 - still not funny
11/15/10 - God Dammit
11/07/10 - Nibiru Rising
10/21/10 - let's shoot this fucker
10/07/10 - oktoberfest
10/07/10 - the seventh seal
09/28/10 - going there
09/28/10 - 0 can be as bad as 1
08/22/10 - top O' the bama to ya
08/10/10 - in the details
08/07/10 - stuff of legends
08/05/10 - it's not delivery, it's disappointment
07/23/10 - contemplation
07/05/10 - no refunds
06/17/10 - Dance Dance Revelations
06/11/10 - comedy
06/03/10 - 10.04 - A Love Story
05/22/10 - impasse
05/20/10 - the go-to grey
05/20/10 - Ancient Aliens - The Other Mistake
05/20/10 - Ancient Aliens - The Escape Plan
05/20/10 - Ancient Aliens - The Mistake
05/20/10 - a long, long time ago
05/18/10 - empty recycle bin
05/16/10 - shit-com
05/04/10 - learned
04/27/10 - don't ask about the guitar solos
04/27/10 - Zanadon't
04/02/10 - for the best
03/06/10 - how it's done
02/26/10 - why
02/06/10 - intelligent life
02/05/10 -
02/05/10 - jobby job
01/27/10 - you just make 'em up, basically
01/21/10 - domo
01/03/10 - twenty-ten
12/24/09 - haul a daze
12/22/09 -
12/15/09 - slowly twisting
12/15/09 - II Kings 18:27
12/11/09 - snowball effect
12/10/09 - to serve man
11/29/09 - "determined" pose
11/29/09 - painted mirrors
11/26/09 - happy thanksgiving
11/22/09 - you are ruining the Feast of Saint Cecilia
11/21/09 - monitor your child's internet usage
11/19/09 - all night wrong
11/17/09 - Slayne Turven and the Mythshit Conspiracy
11/16/09 - 23 days in the shop
11/16/09 - 17 days in the shop
11/14/09 - why the hell
11/11/09 - H1N1 vaccine with a dash of wine
11/09/09 - high replay value
11/09/09 - pick up some bleach
11/07/09 - swelling of the extremities
11/06/09 - it begins
10/31/09 - Halloween Alternative
10/29/09 - fool throttle
10/29/09 - Gravy
10/26/09 - sucrose layering
10/25/09 - Candyman
10/25/09 - Thanks, Clarence
10/24/09 - hair like if Wolverine was one of the Bee Gees
10/24/09 - so long and thanks for all the rice
10/22/09 - angry email already sent
10/16/09 - tone up your absolution
10/11/09 - how to make a comic
10/06/09 - all jokes ™ and ©2009 VIACOM, INC ®
10/06/09 - left over from my tiny war against arbor day
10/05/09 - the power of imagination
10/04/09 - Don't Feel Like Danson
09/30/09 - don't send the sex money overseas
09/24/09 - hello my ragtime gal
09/23/09 - I'm so ashamed I must leave in the car
09/16/09 - no wafer for you
09/15/09 - and the eggs are delicious
09/10/09 - Jiggle The Handle
09/09/09 - Slayne Turven and the Significant Date
09/06/09 - lucy in the sky with bygones
09/04/09 - Palindrome Controller Man
09/03/09 - I am this close to taking the xbox away, young man
09/01/09 - Durabrand: The DVD player that is accidentally a DVD burnerâ
09/01/09 - find out if he's afraid of spiders
08/27/09 - drafted and killed in the gay parades
08/27/09 - hands against the 4th wall
08/22/09 - hold still
08/19/09 - when you use someone
08/18/09 - godswill
08/18/09 - effort
08/18/09 - greatest hits
08/15/09 - read catland today
08/15/09 - advanced ninjitsu
08/13/09 - the cheese at the end of the tunnel
08/12/09 - sudden blame change
08/11/09 - watch your language
08/11/09 - you muse you lose
08/11/09 - Blandlord
08/08/09 - fuck Mort Walker sideways
08/08/09 - grande old flag
08/08/09 - correctional facility
08/07/09 - Slayne Turven and the Extension of Doom
08/07/09 - Slayne Turven in Midway Home
08/07/09 - too legit
08/06/09 - World War II has been in syndication for 274 years
08/06/09 - on good terms
08/06/09 - drinking
08/06/09 - terrible at goodbyes, too
08/04/09 - this bird you cannot cover
08/04/09 - mirth control
08/03/09 - casket base
08/01/09 - nothing can change the shape of things to come
07/31/09 - Turn On, Tune In, Sell Out
07/30/09 - don't ask me what I'm thinking about after sex
07/29/09 - just keep agreeing
07/28/09 - to go where no man has over-complicated things before
07/27/09 - everlasting love
07/26/09 - terminator
07/25/09 - Popeye DVD set: day two
07/24/09 - someone's about to have the best birthday ever
07/23/09 - Timelord
07/23/09 - certified closure
07/23/09 - escape key
07/22/09 - darwin in disguise
07/19/09 - a wealth of information
07/19/09 - preempted
07/19/09 - it's okay, he has a good lawyer
07/18/09 - Slayne Turven in "Oh Me Oh Mayan"
07/17/09 - maniacal laughter
07/17/09 - obligated
07/16/09 - dinosaurs from the future
07/16/09 - ...the remaining pages have been torn out.
07/12/09 - Religious Trilogy Episode VI: Jesus Finds Himself
07/12/09 - I've got the stones to admit it
07/12/09 - somebody spoofed
07/07/09 - You Have Far Too Many Cats Dtrunek And I Am Not Visiting
07/05/09 - sometimes you don't
07/05/09 - as are the pizza rolls
06/30/09 - the art of electronics
05/23/09 - drinking beer aboard the USS Friendsdad
05/23/09 - here, just let me sit down
04/21/09 - Having Fun At Someone Else's Office
04/08/09 - success
03/28/09 - The Spend Of All Things
03/20/09 - Dawa's Universe
01/20/09 - professional crastination
12/05/08 - decent effort
11/05/08 - it's not thursday
10/31/08 - Happy Halloween
10/20/08 - you'll be drinkin your ratsoup through a straw
10/02/08 - don't tell him it's just an Emu
09/27/08 - the party
09/11/08 - the entrance
09/02/08 - brought to you by the letter bees
08/30/08 - Mitchell
08/24/08 - don't be a dick
08/16/08 - new metallica song
08/12/08 - shave and a haircut, eight bits
07/31/08 - Slayne Turven and the Fate of the Races
07/30/08 - Hellectric Boogaloo
07/26/08 - increased security
07/23/08 - Nintendon't
07/23/08 - Slayne Turven: The Musical
07/17/08 - roll credits
07/17/08 - the day the internet went out - part three
07/17/08 - the day the internet went out - part two
07/15/08 - the day the internet went out
07/12/08 - you will be assimilated
07/07/08 - he's opening for Bill Hicks tonight
07/04/08 - these colors don't run my life
06/27/08 - don't say I didn't warn you
06/26/08 - the foibles of the modern scarecrow
06/23/08 - vice president
06/19/08 - combo breaker
06/16/08 - in space, no one can get a word in edgewise
06/15/08 - no numero dos
06/14/08 - there was only one set of prints because you're antisocial
06/11/08 - Schroeder Dingusol - 361.52.1.9 - 08:05:08 - sweetescape.wav
06/10/08 - find me a find, catch me a catch
06/09/08 - He was a good man; allergic to Nintendogs
06/08/08 - The Passion Of The Christ or All Dogs Go To Heaven
06/03/08 - Slayne Turven in PERSONAL SPACE
05/28/08 - it feels like i'm chewing tinfoil in my brain, captain
05/26/08 - rivals
05/23/08 - robot crosses don't burn
05/20/08 - Dawa vs Silent Hill
05/13/08 - i need sleep
05/13/08 - time mcflys when you're having fun
05/09/08 - unaired pilot
05/04/08 - boner
05/04/08 - with my teacup
05/04/08 - thanks a lot
04/28/08 - not exactly a 401k
04/28/08 - please take time to learn about other cultures
04/28/08 - we don't need their scum
04/26/08 - reeking of inevitable demise
04/25/08 - Day 7
04/20/08 - he was a good man; allergic to peanuts
04/19/08 - toot your own horns
04/17/08 - nice guy
04/13/08 - land of the freezing
04/11/08 - first class
04/08/08 - unsupervised
04/06/08 - two seasons, easy
04/04/08 - roommate troubles
04/04/08 - twice
04/01/08 - trapeze, please
03/27/08 - speciesist
03/26/08 - bad chicken; mess you up
03/22/08 - the zombies are unified
03/22/08 - Hey Man.
03/16/08 - oh, and spock wanted me to play some numbers
03/16/08 - print out and hang in your local coffee shop
03/11/08 - it's a time tunnel
03/11/08 - Crichton? ...damn near killed 'em
03/10/08 - never let Dawa spoken word
03/10/08 - they don't get along
03/10/08 - half past sex
03/07/08 - Zrogagks Tol - 1X3.3X3.X.1 - 11:22:08 - JimmyEatW.mp3
03/07/08 - let god sort em out
03/06/08 - never give the mailman your gun
03/05/08 - discount me out
03/05/08 - we're the kids in america
03/03/08 - unauthorized
03/03/08 - terrible at goodbyes
03/02/08 - warp zone
03/01/08 - Black No. 1
03/01/08 - don't do drugs, kids
02/27/08 - Slayne Turven and the Madlib of Consequence
02/25/08 - jesus hates the rolling stones
02/21/08 - viewers like you, too
02/21/08 - viewers like you
02/19/08 - i like big butts
02/19/08 - oh beautiful, for chemtrailed skies
02/14/08 - Black History Month
02/13/08 - away with women
02/12/08 - everybody dies frustrated inside
02/11/08 - blunder the influence
02/10/08 - the thin veil we call reality
02/10/08 - Anweisungen
02/06/08 - gigs of glory
02/04/08 - True Heroes of the Time Paradox
02/02/08 - Tonight on Ecto Deco
02/02/08 - A Haunting
02/02/08 - Holiday Special
01/31/08 - text "truth" to 12345 for daily anti-smoking message!
01/31/08 - Alan James Walters - - 22:11:07 - bonjovi.mp3
01/30/08 - maninfest destiny
01/30/08 - just walk away
01/30/08 - best of both worlds
01/29/08 - wikka wikka
01/29/08 - i don't have any heat
01/29/08 - coming up next: the onion diet- does it work, and is it safe
01/29/08 - where are you headed tonight
01/28/08 - Limited Time Only
01/28/08 - ultimately disappointed
01/27/08 - raze your hand
01/27/08 - we've all been there
01/27/08 - Slayne Turven: The Bloodroom Chronicles
01/27/08 - this is the news
01/27/08 - mehfort
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